
Neonatal Care in Scotland: A Quality Framework

Neonatal Care in Scotland: A Quality Framework defines the approach to the provision of high quality care for neonates and their families to which NHSScotland is committed


1 The Healthcare Quality Strategy for NHSScotland, Scottish Government, May 2010

2 The word "baby" is used throughout this document for simplicity however could refer to "babies" in the case of multiple births

3The word "parent" is used throughout this document for simplicity; however this refers to parent(s), carer(s) or guardian(s) as appropriate to circumstances

4 Availability can be taken to mean instant access via a telephone for advice and physical presence within 30 minutes (unless exceptional circumstances prevent this)

5 As per BAPM Standards 3rd edition, 2010, paragraphs 4.2 and 4.3

6 A Consultant Neonatologist is someone who fits one of the following criteria:

1) A medical consultant with a CCT in paediatrics (neonatal medicine)

2) A medical consultant who has a Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration via Article 14, GMC

3) A medical consultant whose appointment as a Consultant Neonatologist preceded the establishment of the RCPCH CCT (above) and who has subsequently practised in a tertiary referral centre and devoted the majority of time to neonatal care.

7 As per annual activity

8 As per 3.2.1

9 As per 3.4.4

10 Babies with complex co-morbidities, rare conditions or of very low birth weight and gestational age would be considered complex, Based on findings of Hospital volume and neonatal mortality among very low birth weight infants, Bartels DB, Wypij D, Wenzlaff P, Dammann O, Poets CF, 2006,

11 "Strengthening the role of Managed Clinical Networks", Scottish Government March 2007,


Email: Lynne Nicol

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