Neonatal Expenses Fund: terms and conditions
Information on the Neonatal Expenses fund that provides help for families with babies in neonatal care.
Appendix 1: Definitions
Baby/ies – The eligible baby or babies within neonatal care receiving treatment.
Journey – a journey consists of travel from home address or place of current residence to neonatal unit, or neonatal unit to home address/residence. This may include multiple parts or multiple forms of transport.
Neonatal Unit – Neonatal unit refers to Neonatal Intensive Care unit, Local Neonatal Unit or Special Care Baby Unit (these may be described as level 1, 2 or 3 units).
Relevant Healthcare Professional – Neonatal Clinical Staff of the attending hospital
Parent/Guardian – The baby's mother, father or immediate primary carers.
Adult – Support person for the parent/guardian over school age ie Grandparent, Aunt/uncle of eligible baby
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