
Neonatal Expenses Fund: terms and conditions

Information on the Neonatal Expenses fund that provides help for families with babies in neonatal care.

6. What Expenses Can Be Claimed

6.1 Transport

Parents are expected to use the most cost effective, reasonable means of transport.

Claims will be reimbursed at the prevailing mileage rate* per mile for up to one return car journey per day for each parent, when they are travelling to the hospital separately on the same day. If both travel together, only one return journey should be claimed.


Public transport costs should be reimbursed in full for up to one return journey per day for each parent on production of receipts. This is a maximum of two return journeys per day for each family. Standard class travel can be reclaimed upon production of receipts**.

*The rate of reimbursement is based on the HMRC Fuel Advisory Rate for a petrol engine 1400cc to 2000cc. This can be found at: The reimbursement rate for each financial year will be determined by the advisory fuel rate from 1 March each year for the year ahead. The rates can go down as well as up.

** Due to coronavirus, eligible parents who do not own a car can now use taxis to visit their baby, even if public transport is available. Parents should speak to the Neonatal Unit where their baby is being treated to find out about how to get approval for a taxi journey in their local area. If your taxi journey is approved, you can claim back for one return journey a day, per parent. You'll need to provide receipts when you claim.

6.2 Parking

Car parking costs can be reclaimed in full on the submission of receipts.

In some NHS Boards a permit may be obtained to provide exemption from parking costs. Staff can advise whether a permit is available or whether parents should claim for a refund.

6.3 Taxi Fares

Travel by taxi should be seen as last resort and reimbursement will only be considered in certain circumstances, e.g. no public transport availability or subject to mother's medical condition. Taxi travel must be approved by clinical staff prior to journey. Where approved, taxi travel will be reimbursed in full on the submission of receipts for two return journeys per day.

6.4 Flights

Air travel should only be considered where it is cheaper than other forms of transport or where other forms of transport are not reasonable (e.g. island to mainland travel). Flights must be approved by NHS Board prior to travel.

Approved flights are limited to a maximum of two return journeys by air per week, one for each parent.

6.5 Meals and Subsistence

Claims for meals may be made by one of the following means:

  • A flat rate contribution of £8.50 per person (for a maximum of two people), per day for food and non-alcoholic beverages will be issued. This may be purchased outside of hospital grounds.


  • Meals may be directly provided free of charge for up to two parents by the hospital (e.g. staff canteen or patient meals) up to a maximum of three meals per day.

Further detail of provision within your hospital will be provided locally. No receipts are required for the purposes of being reimbursed meal costs.

6.6 Accommodation

NHS boards should have accommodation available to parents if required and this should be accessed in the first instance. In the exceptional circumstance where hospital accommodation is not available, a contribution to reasonable overnight accommodation costs will be reimbursed, for one room only, per night. This should be booked, where possible, in advance by the Local Health Board. Reasonable is defined as the most cost effective accommodation available.



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