
Climate Change - Net Zero Nation: draft public engagement strategy - consultation

This draft public engagement strategy sets out our overarching framework for engaging the people of Scotland in the transition to a net zero nation which is prepared for the effects of our changing climate.

Our Framework for Engagement

Our Vision

Everyone in Scotland recognises the implications of the climate emergency, fully understands and contributes to Scotland's mitigation and adaptation response, and embraces their role in the transition to a net zero and climate ready nation.

Strategic Objectives

Communicating Climate Change Policy

People are aware of the action that the Scottish Government is taking to address climate change and how it relates to their lives


  • Develop and implement our public communications approach to ensure people understand Scotland's climate targets and the policies that will be required to reach them
  • Collaborate with delivery organisations to ensure information reaches audiences both domestically and internationally, including through initiatives such as Climate Week
  • Working with Adaptation Scotland and others to continue to provide consistent messaging that makes clear the effect of climate change locally, nationally, and globally

Enabling Participation in Policy Design

People actively participate in shaping fair and inclusive policies that encourage adaptation to and mitigation
of climate change


  • Learn from Scotland's Climate Assembly and develop further deliberative approaches
  • Continue to facilitate meaningful climate conversations with people and audiences not currently engaged on the topic
  • Ensure those most affected by our transition and climate impacts are engaged in the design and delivery of policies
  • Develop our approach to ensuring climate change policies exhibit the principles of Open Government through meaningful consultation and participation
  • Develop a new approach to ensuring a genuine role in the policy process for young people

Encouraging Action

Taking action on climate change is normalised and encouraged in communities and places across Scotland


  • Continue to champion and fund community-led climate action
  • Support trusted messengers to increase climate literacy
  • Support climate education
  • Use marketing and communications activity to ensure that households understand the changes needed to help Scotland get to net zero
  • Explore the potential of the arts, creativity and heritage to inspire and empower culture change
  • Work with partners to help people make connections to nature and biodiversity 
  • Encourage a place- based approach to public engagement

Guiding Principles

  • Our approach will be inclusive and accessible to all
  • Our approach will actively put people first and place people at the heart of all that we do 
  • We will listen to and engage with experts to ensure an evidence-based approach
  • Climate justice and a just transition will be embedded within our approach
  • We will continue to encourage a societal dialogue on climate change
  • We will take a positive approach that outlines a vision for climate action that promotes the many co‑benefits 
  • We will be open and transparent to make sure people can see and understand our actions



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