
Neurological care and support - framework for action 2020-2025: midpoint progress report

The midpoint progress report marks the halfway point in the 5 year framework. It highlights key achievements, challenges and future priorities for improving neurology services as we continue to implement the framework.

Appendix 3: Projects Funded through Neurological Care and Support: A Framework for Action


Organisation Title Amount of award
Action for M.E. (lead partner) #MEAction Scotland The ME Association The 25% ME Group Continuous Professional Development modules for GPs £11,000
Cerebral Palsy Scotland CP Connect £17,270
Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland, NHS Lothian, University of Edinburgh, POGO studio, Edinburgh Headway Group Tailored Talks £105,524
MS Society MS Wellbeing Hub £68,123
NHS Ayrshire and Arran, Cerebral Palsy Scotland and ARC Scotland Neurology Specific Principles of Good Transition £6,800
NHS Forth Valley, Clackmannanshire / Stirling and Falkirk Health and Social Care Partnerships Virtual Local Neurological Network £29,340
NHS Grampian GP support for Functional Neurological Disorder – Pilot Study £15,100
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Advanced Practitioner Physiotherapist in Neurology £23,802
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Scottish Epilepsy Register £42,100
NHS Lanarkshire Patient Held Record (PHR) for Community Brain Injury Team £4,750
NHS Lothian Digital platform for Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) £40,000
NHS Orkney Better networking of services £12,452
NHS Tayside 'Breakthrough Series Collaborative' £55,000
Pain Association Scotland Online Self-Management for Carers £5,250
Parkinson's UK and NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Integrated clinical and support service for People with Parkinson's £26,983
PSPA Provision of support for people living with PSP and CBD £13,690
Quarriers Digital and online support for people in NE Scotland and Fife £15,351


Organisation Title Amount of award
Action for M.E. (lead partner), #MEAction Scotland, The ME Association, The 25% ME Group Continuous Professional Development modules for GPs £20,905
Angus HSCP Enhanced Community Support model £43,320
Cerebral Palsy Scotland* CP Connect £31,043
Cerebral Palsy Scotland, NHS Ayrshire and Arran ARC Scotland (Scottish Transitions Forum), University of Dundee Neurology Specific Principles Of Good Transition £19,628
Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland, NHS Lothian, University of Edinburgh, POGO studio, Edinburgh Headway Group* Tailored Talks £69,000
Epilepsy Connections Online / Phone Epilepsy Counselling Service. £9,987
Midlothian Health & Social care Partnership Midlothian Pathway Plan. £98,986
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde in collaboration with NHS Ayrshire & Arran and NHS Grampian Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures Self-Management App £42,533
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde* Epilepsy Register £78,690
NHS Lanarkshire Goal Setting and Action Planning (G-AP) Online Training Resource £30,552
NHS Lanarkshire Online Self-Management Programme People Following Acquired Brain Injury. £23,600
NHS Lanarkshire Community Brain Injury Team (CBIT) - LearnPro £9,500
NHS Lothian* Digital Platform for Functional Neurological Disorder (FND). £25,000
NHS Orkney Better Networking of Services £51,127
NHS Tayside* 'Breakthrough Series Collaborative' £76,000
Parkinson's UK Scotland and NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde* Integrated clinical and support service for People with Parkinson's £55,902
Quarriers House of Care Model £51,147
Revive MS Support MS-Specific Specialist Services For People Unsupported Or Under-Served £70,000
Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Scotland (SBH Scotland) Wellbeing Matrix/ Enhanced Healthy Ageing Hub For SBH. £30,964
Thistle Health and Wellbeing (lead partner), NHS Fife, Parkinson's UK Scotland Remote Self-Management Programme in Fife. £42,956

* denotes continuation of funding from previous round


Organisation Title Amount of award
Action for M.E. (lead partner), #MEAction Scotland, The ME Association, The 25% ME Group* Continuation of Round 2 funding £10,453
Action for M.E., ME Association, #ME Action Scotland and The 25% ME Group Update and further disseminate the 'Learn About M.E.' CPD training module. £10,750
Cerebral Palsy Scotland CP Connect - Development of flexible specialist support for adults with cerebral palsy. £38,198
Epilepsy Scotland Evaluate electronic, community-based screening for depression, anxiety, and suicidality in PWE. £41,793
Midlothian Health & Social care Partnership* Continuation of Round 2 funding £49,493
MS Society Scotland* Continuation of Round 2 funding £33,257
Multiple Sclerosis Centre, Mid Argyll* Continuation of Round 2 funding £22,575
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHS GGC) and partners Partnership Delivery Group. £103,950
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde* Continuation of Round 2 funding £21,267
NHS Lothian Maintenance of 'neurosymptoms' £10,000
NHS Orkney* Continuation of Round 2 funding £17,042
PAMIS Postural Care Support Through Buddying System. £36,055
Parkinson's UK Scotland Greater Glasgow Clyde NHS Parkinson's Connect with exercise prescriptions in Greater Glasgow Clyde. £31,175
Parkinson's UK Scotland Greater Glasgow Clyde NHS* Continuation of Round 2 funding £28,949
Quarriers Epilepsy Community Outreach (ECO): co-ordinating care through technology and workshops. £56,249
Quarriers* Continuation of Round 2 funding £8,525
Quarriers, Epilepsy Connections and Lanarkshire Epilepsy National Epilepsy Collaborative £20,625
Revive MS Support* Continuation of Round 2 funding £23,333
Strathcarron Hospice, Talking Mats Limited, Scottish Centre for Simulation and Clinical Human Factors (SCSC) Accessible End of Life Planning - Evaluating Talking Mats. £24,917
The Migraine Trust, NHS Grampian, Pharmacy Medicines Directorate Migraine Management Supported Through Pharmacy £78,535
Thistle Health and Wellbeing* Continuation of Round 2 funding £21,478

* denotes continuation of funding from previous round



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