
Neurological care and support: framework for action 2020-2025

The framework sets out a vision for driving improvement in the care and support for those with neurological conditions in Scotland.


This Framework delivers on our Programme for Government commitment to develop and publish Scotland’s first National Action Plan on Neurological Conditions. It presents a real opportunity to make a difference for people living with neurological conditions in Scotland.

You have told us you consider this Framework to be aspirational and ambitious, with a vision that focuses on improving people’s quality of life and their personal outcomes. In Scotland we are proud of fostering a society that treats all of our people with kindness, dignity, respect and compassion – and this is embedded within this Framework.

Fundamentally, our vision translates as people being able to access the care, support and information they need that also enables them to understand their condition following diagnosis and signposts them to relevant resources for their changing requirements, as well as to empower people to be equally involved in decisions affecting them in the context of their wishes, wider wellbeing and circumstances.

We recognise the scale, variety and context of neurological conditions and the challenges these can present the health and social care system. Much has been achieved and is being done, particularly through the integration of health and social care. We will build on what is working well, while supporting those responsible for providing care and support, and those planning services to tackle the challenges.

Our approach is aligned to the outcomes agreed by the Scottish Government and COSLA, described in the National Performance Framework and help us to focus our joint efforts on achieving the aims detailed in this document.

We know that partnership at a national and local level is key to leading sustained and effective change. This Framework has been co-produced with you, whether you are an individual with a neurological condition, a carer or family member, a health or social care professional or working within the independent sector. We will continue to work across boundaries and in collaboration with you during implementation, to identify and address areas of improvement, and to update you on progress against this Framework.

Joe FitzPatrick MSP



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