Neurological Framework Funding: list of organisations funded
List of funding recipients to support the implementation of the Neurological care and support: framework for action 2020 to 2025.
Improving care models and referral pathways
Angus Health and Social Care Partnership - Enhanced Community Support
Area covered: Angus
Developed a proactive and comprehensive wrap-around support service for neurological patients with a focus on people with MS and Huntington’s disease. The main aim was to prevent crisis management and maintain people at a good level of well-being for as long as possible.
Funding given: 2021-2022: £43,320
Completed: October 2022
Final report – October 2022
Care Inspectorate and NHS Ayrshire and Arran – Establishing a Care Network for Home Care Staff
Area covered: Ayrshire and Arran
Prototyping a national care network for care at home staff to meet with people living with neurological conditions and the wider multiagency team to share learning and good practice.
Funding given: 2023-2024: £35,000
Completed January 2025.
Final report – February 2025
Cerebral Palsy Scotland - Cerebral Palsy (CP) Link Directory
Area covered: Scotland-wide
Developed a pathway for adults with cerebral palsy by offering a condition-specific link for local services building a consolidated bank of knowledge and expertise of services, referral pathways.
Funding given: 2023-2024: £33,980
Completed March 2024.
Final report
Epilepsy Scotland - Improving Mental Health Outcomes
Area covered: Lothian
Integrated the NHS and third sector in one clearly defined pathway and evaluated the electronic, community-based screening tool for depression, anxiety, and suicidality in people with epilepsy used by NHS Lothian. Improved the wellbeing for people with epilepsy and their families by widening the geographical area that the wellbeing service serves and increased the number of people the service can support.
Funding given: 2022-2023: £41,793
Completed: March 2023
Final report
Epilepsy Connections, Lanarkshire Epilepsy and Quarriers - National Epilepsy Collaborative
Area covered: Scotland wide
A national epilepsy collaborative across the third sector and NHS Scotland to create a framework to bring about greater consistency in patient experience. This project produced a national commissioning toolkit for social support for epilepsy.
Funding given 2022-2023 - £27,500
Completed: May 2024
Toolkit – May 2024
Midlothian Health and Social Care Partnership - Midlothian Care Pathway Plan
Area covered: Midlothian
Scoped the unmet needs of people living with a neurological condition and co-produced a Midlothian pathway plan, used to inform allocation of resources to NHS Lothian and Midlothian Council.
Funding given: 2021-2022: £98,986
Completed October 2023
Final report available on request.
NHS Ayrshire and Arran, ARC Housing and Cerebral Palsy Scotland - Neurology specific principles of good transition
Area covered: Scotland wide
Undertook an evidence review and collaborative planning work to prepare for the development of neurology specific principles of good transition across the lifespan.
Produced evidence on the impact of Good Practice in Transitions for patients with neurological conditions, published Literature Review, and developed a set of neurology specific guiding principles, a good practice framework and a model for evaluation of existing models of transition to inform best practice.
Funding given: 2020-2021: £6,800, 2021-2022: £19,628
Total of £26,428
Completion date: April 2022
Final report – June 2023
NHS Forth Valley, Stirling and Clackmannanshire Health and Social Care Partnership - Virtual local neurological network
Area covered: Forth Valley, Stirling and Clackmannanshire
To establish a virtual local neurological network, scope out the current local service provision for people with neurological conditions, and co-produce a service signposting directory.
Funding given: 2020-2021: £29,340
Due to recruitment challenges this project was unable to commence and funding has been used for general provision of neurology services.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde - Advance Physiotherapy Practitioner
Area covered: NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Established a model of care with an Advanced Practitioner Physiotherapist in neurology, and focused on evidencing the model in the movement disorders service, commencing with Parkinson’s disease.
Funding given - 2020-2021: £23,802
Completion date: April 2021
Final report available on request.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and Partners - Partnership Delivery Group
Area covered: Great Glasgow and Clyde, Ayrshire and Arran, Lanarkshire Key framework commitments will be met using existing service providers in collaboration with patients, carers and neurology voices to ensure enhanced patient experience and to support people to live well. Phase 2 focused on anticipatory care planning, carers support and the development of a Right Clinical Decisions web based tool kit, to allow completion of pathway improvement works.
Funding given: 2022-2023: £113,400, 2023-2024: £82,000
Total of £195,400
Due to complete December 2024.
Final report pending.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde - Scottish Epilepsy Register
Area covered: NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Establish and roll out an epilepsy register in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde initially. The register improves patient safety by linking existing data sets (pregnancy, medication adherence, A&E attendance, mortality) to a ‘dashboard’ in outpatient clinics. This alerts clinicians to patients who may need a review, and provides data for research.
Funding given: 2020-2021: £42,100, 2021-2022: £78,690
Total of £120,790
Scottish Government is working with this project to support its establishment in all NHS boards Scotland.
Final report available on request.
NHS Lothian - A Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) clinical network for NHS Lothian
Establishing an FND network to: create an integrated clinical network for people with FND; provide education, training and support to health professionals involved in FND; and to provide a relapse service for people with to ensure a consistent point of contact for patients.
Funding given 2023-2024: £58,763
Due to complete summer 2025.
NHS Orkney - Improved access to information and services
Area covered: Orkney
Scoped out services that provide care, support, information and advice to those affected by neurological conditions in Orkney to identify strengths, duplication, and gaps.
Developed an interlinked electronic resource on neurological conditions and services signposting to resources held by NHS Orkney, NHS Inform and Voluntary Action Orkney to access information about different conditions. Also developed pathways clarifying local support and best practice for neuro conditions; provided Anticipatory Care Planning education.
Funding given: 2020-2021: £12,452, 2021-2022: £51,127
Total of £63,579
Completed: October 2022
Final report available on request.
NHS Tayside - Breakthrough Series Collaborative
Area covered: Tayside
Developed a ‘Breakthrough Series Collaborative’ learning system that brought together key neuroscience stakeholders from primary and secondary care, health and social care partnerships, allied health professionals, hospital management, third sector organisations and patients
Funding given: 2020-2021: £131,000
Final report available on request.
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) Association - Service mapping
Area covered: Scotland wide
Dedicated project worker collaborated with colleagues in community and hospital settings to gather information on the key health and care staff that can support people with PSP across the 14 health board regions in Scotland. This informs the complex picture of the routes to support for those with the conditions and their families.
Funding given 2020-2021: £13,690
Completed April 2021
Report available on request.
Revive MS Support - New incremental network/collaborative towards a national multiple sclerosis (MS) pathway.
Using the evidence/referral networks to accelerate local/national network expansion and new collaborations to improve provision, towards an integrated national MS pathway.
Funding given: 2023-2024: £19,530
Completed January 2025
Final report
Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Scotland - Wellbeing Pathway
Developing a pathway of support for adult service users with Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus (SBH). The pathway, enabled by an intuitive online questionnaire, will aid SBH Scotland’s staff in triaging adult service users to health and social care services or self-management resources.
Funding given: 2023-2024: £33,263
Due to complete March 2025.
Strathcarron Hospice, Talking Mats Limited, Scottish Centre for Simulation and Clinical Human Factors (SCSC) - Making end of life planning accessible - evaluating Talking Mats
Area covered: Forth Valley. This visual framework helped people with neurological condition express their views about anticipatory care planning.
Funding given: 2022-2023: £29,900
Completed: June 2023
Report available on request.
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