
Neurological Framework Funding: list of organisations funded

List of funding recipients to support the implementation of the Neurological care and support: framework for action 2020 to 2025.

Self-management – patient and carer information

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Area covered: NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde initially
People with Non-epileptic Seizures App
Developing an educational App for people with Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures as a self-management resource hosted by the NHS Scotland Right Decision Service platform, and self-management and advice mobile app.
Funding given: 2021-2022: £63,800
Due to be completed December 2023
Final report pending

NHS Lanarkshire

Area covered: Lanarkshire
Brain Injury Self-management App – Developed a free online self-management programme designed for people following acquired brain injury and their family members.
​​​​​​Funding given: 2021-2022: £23,600
Completion Date: April 2022
Final report available on request

NHS Lanarkshire

Area covered: Lanarkshire
Patient Hand Held Record – Developed a patient held record for patients of the NHS Lanarkshire Community Brain Injury Team
Funding given: 2020-2021: £4,750
Completion Date: April 2021
Final report available on request

NHS Lothian

Area covered: National / International - Developed and maintained a digital platform for Functional Neurological Disorder (FND), which provides accessible information to public/patients on functional neurological disorders.
Funding given: 2020-2021: £65,000, 2022-2023: £10,000
Total of £75,000
Completed: March 2023
A project description is included in the ‘About’ Section of the website and quarterly progress reports are available on request.
Final report – March 2023


Area covered: Scotland wide
Improving Postural Care – Provided a buddying system to three identified third sector organisations, which: - introduced postural care to the individuals and families they support, connect with allied health professionals linked to these services; share resources, support the creation of new information and a support network enabling self-management of postural care; and deliver a tried and tested ‘Introduction to Body Shape Protection’ education session
Funding given: £39,333
Completed: June 2023
Final report pending.

University of Edinburgh, POGO Digital Healthcare, Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland

Area covered: Scotland wide

Tailored Talks – Digital communication platform to promote shared decision-making. Tailored Talks allows health and social care professionals and people working in third sector organisations to provide information which is tailored to each individual patient’s needs. This information can be shared on screen during face-to-face meetings/consultations, on paper (for people without access to digital technology or who are not keen to use it), and also remotely by emailed pdf or via weblinks so that patients and their carers can access the information on their mobile devices, PCs or laptop computers. 
Funding given: 2020-2021: £174,524
Final report – August 2022
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