
New build developments – delivering gigabit-capable connections: partial business and regulatory impact assessment

Partial business and regulatory impact assessment for the consultation “New Build Developments – Delivering Gigabit-capable Connections”.

14. Summary Costs and Benefits Table

Option 1 – Introduce a mandatory standard and supporting guidance

Total benefit per annum - economic, environmental, societal

House buyers will benefit from improved connectivity in a proportion of those new build developments that currently do not have gigabit-capable connectivity. Households affected will have a reduced ability to work remotely, access digital healthcare services, access digital learning or access commercial services (retail, entertainment) on online platforms. Where connectivity is not immediately available developers will benefit from having gigabit-capable passive infrastructure lowering the distribution for a retrospective connection to be made.

Total Cost per annum - economic

Economic – there will be a cost to housing developers and operators in relation to the deployment of gigabit-capable infrastructure. The projected costs to developers based on 2022 planning data is estimated to be around £4.4m per year. Operator costs will vary depending on which operator is contracted to provide a connection where a gigabit-capable connection is available at outset.

Option 2 - Do nothing

Total benefit per annum - economic, environmental, societal

No added benefits accrue

Total Cost per annum - economic

No cost associated with action



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