
New Build Heat Standard: consultation - part two analysis

The New Build Heating Standard (NBHS) consultation: Part II was an opportunity for the Scottish Government to understand a wide variety of stakeholders’ views on a number of specific proposals. This independent analysis presents a report on these views both quantitively and qualitatively.

Appendix B: Consultation Questions

1. Do you agree with the approach set out in 2.1 to regulate direct emissions heating systems in new buildings?

(Closed response question – Yes / No / Don't know)

2. Do you envisage any unintended consequences as a result of this approach? Please provide reasons for your answer.

(Closed response question – Yes / No - with open response option)

3. Are there any limited, specific situations where the use of bioenergy systems would be required in new buildings?

(Closed response question – Yes / No / Don't know)

4. If 'Yes', what do you believe the criteria should be for introducing such an exemption? Please provide evidence to support your answer.

(Open response question)

5. Do you agree with the proposed approach to conversions as set out in section 2.3?

(Closed response question – Yes / No / Don't know)

6. Do you envisage any unintended consequences as a result of this? Please provide reasons for your answer.

(Closed response question – Yes / No - with open response option)

7. What criteria would you use to define the replacement of a direct emissions heating (DEH) system as being 'reasonably practicable'?

(Open response question)

8. What criteria would you use to define it as being 'not reasonably practicable'?

(Open response question)

9. How might these proposals impact upon people with one or more of the protected characteristics listed in the Equality Act 2010 (for example: a positive, negative or neutral impact)?

(Open response question)

10. How might these proposals help the Scottish Government ensure due regard of the three needs of the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED)?

(Open response question)

11. Do you anticipate any form of heating within a non-domestic building which will require DEH after 2024? Please provide details of the factors – whether technical, economic or social – which would require DEH after 2024?

(Closed response question – Yes / No - with open response option)



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