
New Build Heat Standard: consultation - part two analysis

The New Build Heating Standard (NBHS) consultation: Part II was an opportunity for the Scottish Government to understand a wide variety of stakeholders’ views on a number of specific proposals. This independent analysis presents a report on these views both quantitively and qualitatively.


1. It also considers UK Housing: Fit for the Future. This report, by the Committee on Climate Change and its Adaptation Committee, assesses whether the UK's housing stock is adequately prepared for the challenges of climate change; both in terms of reducing emissions from UK homes and ensuring homes are adequately prepared for the impacts of climate change.

2. A total of 17 responses using this wording were received. One organisation provided two responses, which were combined into one.

3. A total of 13 responses using this wording were received. However, three organisations submitted multiple responses; these were combined into one response per organisation.

4. 89% of respondents granted permission for publication of their responses.

5. These totals are based on figures provided by each of the 16 organisations in their responses.

6. Garry, Galloway, and Burt, Decarbonisation of Rural Networks Within Mainland Scotland: In Support of Intentional Islanding, March 2021

7. LiquidGas referenced the following Scottish Government report to support their comments about skills shortage: Heat In Buildings Strategy: Achieving Net Zero Emissions in Scotland's Buildings (

8. Proposals to develop the NBHS have coincided with the recent conclusion of the Building Standards Energy Review. The improved energy efficiency standards for new buildings, set under the revised building regulations, will pave the way for the implementation of the NBHS in 2024

9. Throughout the report, respondents mention 'green gases. By this, they are referencing gases which they believe would not contribute to direct greenhouse gas emissions. However, this consultation is technology agnostic, and the Scottish Government is still conducting research into the direct emissions associated with the burning of 100% hydrogen gas.

10. Bioenergy is electricity or gas generated from organic matter known as biomass. This could be plants and timber, to agricultural or food waste.

11. Passivhaus construction methods focus on the reduction of energy needed to heat and cool a building, creating buildings with greater insulation, 20-times more airtightness than standard builds, triple-glazed windows and mechanical ventilation with heat recover systems.

12. Responses are published on the Scottish Government's consultation website:

13. The 'Other' category comprises 6 NGO/third sector organisations, 1 public body and 2 'other' organisations.



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