
New Build Heat Standard: consultation - part two

We are seeking views on our detailed proposals for a New Build Heat Standard (NBHS) to prohibit the use of direct emissions heating systems in new buildings warranted from April 2024.

3. Non-Domestic Buildings

3.1 Approach to New Non-Domestic Buildings

NBHS Consultation: Part I focused on domestic new build, but stated that the Scottish Government was considering phasing in the NBHS for non-domestic buildings too.

Scotland's non-domestic building stock is diverse, ranging from the service sector to industrial facilities, using heat for a variety of purposes including space heating, hot water, drying, electricity generation, cooking, manufacturing and industrial processes.

Consequently, there is a wide range of different space and hot water heat and cooling demand profiles (such as grade of heat, time, and reliability).

The Heat in Building Strategy is focused on decarbonising the space and hot water demand from buildings, and the NBHS applies to space and hot water heating and cooling only.

No feedback was received to the Part 1 consultation on the need for phasing the NBHS according to sector for non-domestic buildings. Therefore, the final Heat in Buildings Strategy and Bute House Agreement[39] both set out the intention that the NBHS will be introduced for all non-domestic buildings applying for a building warrant from 2024.

Therefore, we intend to proceed with introducing the NBHS as set out in the previous chapter, prohibiting DEH for space heating and hot water demand in all new non-domestic buildings from the same date as for domestic buildings.

As for domestic new build, DEH will be defined as heating and cooling systems generating direct greenhouse gas emissions at the point of use – and, therefore, will include combustion of bioenergy (except where this serves a heat network as defined under the Heat Networks (Scotland) Act).

Given the complexity of non-domestic new builds, we are using this consultation as a final opportunity to seek specific evidence on whether there are any issues with this approach. If there is compelling evidence presented, we will consult further on exemptions for non-domestic NBHS later this year.

Consultation Questions: Non-Domestic

11. Do you anticipate any form of heating within a non-domestic building which will require DEH after 2024? Please provide details of the factors – whether technical, economic or social – which would require DEH after 2024?



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