
New Build Heat Standard 2024: island communities impact assessment

Island communities impact assessment (ICIA) owing to the proposals in the New Build Heat Standard (NBHS) with the move toward zero direct emissions heating systems as a standard in all new buildings. Assessing the particular realities of island communities.


1 The cost of remoteness - reflecting higher living costs in remote rural Scotland when measuring fuel poverty: research report - ( – Scottish Government (September 2021)

2 A Minimum Income Standard for Remote Rural Scotland: A Policy Update, Loughborough University’s Centre for Research in Social Policy and Highland and Islands Enterprise (HIE) (October 2016)

3 To note: some of the islands relevant data gathered has been included in this ICIA but may not be included in the final report owing to the broader nature of the final research publication.

4 Scottish house condition survey: 2019 key findings, Scottish Government (December 2021)

5 Small Islands Energy System Overview, HIE, April 2020.

6 Fuel Poverty (Targets, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Bill: island communities impact assessment. Scottish Government (May 2019)

7 Heat in buildings strategy: island communities impact assessment, Scottish Government (November 2021)

8 : Domestic Energy Performance Certificates - Dataset to Q4 2022, Scottish Government (2022). Accessed 10/02/2022.

9 As per the Island Communities Impact Assessment (ICIA) for The Building (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2022: Section 6 (Energy), the second row of the table (after the headers) should correspond to Lewis & Harris, Scalpay, North & South Uist, Benbecula, and Barra; the third row should correspond to Skye and Raasay; the fourth row should correspond to Arran; the fifth row should correspond to the Orkney Islands; the sixth row should correspond to Bute, Gigha, Islay, Jura, Colonsay, Mull, Iona, Tiree, and Coll; the seventh row should correspond to Eigg, Rhum, Muck, and Canna; finally, the eighth row should correspond to the Shetland Islands.

10 To note, Clackmannanshire and Inverclyde are excluded in the calculation of this average, as they have 0 MCS certified contractors.

11 As a caveat to the above, the workforce size of each MCS contractor is unknown. It could be possible that those contractors operating in cities employ more installers than those in rural areas.

12 Households and Dwellings in Scotland, 2021 | National Records of Scotland (, NRS (2022). Households and Dwellings in Scotland, 2021 [Table 1, 2021].

13 About the MCS Data Dashboard - MCS (, MCS (2022). MCS Data Dashboard. Accessed 22/02/2023.

14 Supporting documents - Heat in buildings strategy: island communities impact assessment - (

15 New Build Heat Standard - scoping consultation: analysis - (, Scottish Government (2021).

16 New build heat standard consultation: part II - Scottish Government - Citizen Space, Scottish Government (2022).

17 : Domestic Energy Performance Certificates - Dataset to Q4 2022, Scottish Government (2022). Accessed 10/02/2022.

18 Projects (, ClimateXChange (2023).

19 Evaluation of renewable and zero emissions heating systems in affordable housing projects: Final Report (, Scottish Government (2021)

20 Evaluation of Renewable and Zero Direct Emissions Heating Systems in Affordable Housing Projects (Phase 2): Final Report (, Scottish Government (2022)

21 Case Study: Zero Direct Emissions Heat in New Build Affordable Homes (, Scottish Government (2022)

22 Heat in Buildings strategy - quality assurance: policy statement - ( , Scottish Government (2022)



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