
New Build Heat Standard: scoping consultation

We are committed to ensuring that, from 2024, new buildings must use heating systems which produce zero direct emissions at the point of use. We are currently developing our New Build Heat Standard to achieve this, and this scoping consultation sets out our initial vision.

Consultation Questions: Summary

Chapter 1

1. Do you agree with the above key outcomes? Please explain your view.

2. Are there any additional outcomes which should be embedded here?

Chapter 2

3. Do you agree with limiting this Standard to ‘new buildings’ as defined within section 2.2?

4. Do you agree with: (a) our approach taken to require future installed heating systems to be zero direct emissions only, and (b) our approach taken to focus on direct/ point of use emissions that a building owner has responsibility over only?

5. What evidence can you offer on ways of ensuring zero direct emissions from heating that could be compliant with this Standard?

6. What are your views on section 2.6, specifically regarding what mechanism the Scottish Government could use to ensure compliance with the Standard?

7. What steps can the Scottish Government take to support industry to deliver this Standard, and how could we make compliance with this Standard easier?

8. How do we ensure that consumers are protected from increased energy bills, while giving developers flexibility to comply with the Standard?

9. What are your views on new buildings connecting to an existing heat network, where development takes place within a heat network zone? Do you envisage any unintended consequences as a result of this proposal?

10. Do you agree with the Scottish Government’s proposal to introduce this Standard in 2024? What are your views on this Standard being brought into force for new buildings consented earlier than 2024?

Chapter 3

11. How can opportunities be maximised for the supply chain involved in the delivery of new homes (ranging from product suppliers to on-site operatives), including skills?

12. What do you envisage the key challenges would be for developers, and wider-building industry, in meeting this proposed Standard? How could this sector be supported to address those challenges?

13. What are the key challenges for the energy networks regarding the deployment of zero emissions heating in new developments? How could this sector be supported to address those challenges?

14. How do you see this Standard interacting with wider-energy system changes, and what role do you see for flexibility and smart technologies?

15. What can be done to encourage greater consumer awareness and understanding?

16. What approach should be taken when considering new non- domestic buildings, and what are the specific challenges and opportunities relating to new non-domestic buildings?

17. By introducing this Standard, what challenges or opportunities might result for households on low incomes (for example, around affordability or access), and how can the Scottish Government best take account of these?



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