
New cancer strategy: consultation

We have started developing a new cancer strategy for Scotland and want to seek wide ranging views on what should be prioritised as we recover from the pandemic and beyond. The consultation will be live from 12 April 2022 until 7 June 2022, this document has been developed to support responses.

Section E: Consultation Questions - Vision, aims and principles


51. Our proposed Vision is:

"A compassionate and consistent cancer service, that provides improved support, outcomes and survival for people at risk of, and affected by, cancer in Scotland"

Question 3a
Do you agree with this vision?

Do you agree with the proposed vision (51.), please respond yes or no.


Question 3b
Please explain your answer and provide any additional suggestions.

Please explain your answer to Question 3a.



52. The Aims of the strategy set out more-specific goals that we will prioritise and that we can measure. Our proposed aims are:

a) Slowing down the increasing incidence of cancer
b) Earlier stage at diagnosis
c) Shorter time to treatment
d) Lower recurrent rates
e) Higher survival rates
f) High quality, consistent experience of the health service for people affected by cancer
g) An enabling environment for research and innovation in diagnosis and treatment
h) Reduced inequalities in all these areas

Question 4a
Do you agree with these goals?

Do you agree with the proposed goals (52. a - h), please respond yes or no.


Question 4b
Please explain your answer and provide any additional suggestions.

Please explain your answer for Question 4a.



53. It is important to agree Principles that will underpin a future cancer strategy and guide our planning for and conducting future cancer services. These should reflect the values that we think are important in ensuring the best outcomes. Our proposed principles are:

  • putting patients at the centre of our approach
  • actively involve communities and users of services
  • be inclusive
  • provide high quality, compassionate care
  • ensure services are sustainable
  • collaborate across all sectors
  • use an evidence-based approach and make the best use of emerging data/research/technology
  • strive for consistency through a 'Once for Scotland' approach

Question 5a
Do you agree with these principles?

Do you agree with the proposed principles (53.), please respond yes or no.


Question 5b
Please explain your answer and provide any additional suggestions.

Please explain your answer for Question 5a.




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