
New cancer strategy: consultation

We have started developing a new cancer strategy for Scotland and want to seek wide ranging views on what should be prioritised as we recover from the pandemic and beyond. The consultation will be live from 12 April 2022 until 7 June 2022, this document has been developed to support responses.

Section G: Consultation Questions - Earlier Diagnosis Vision

61. The Detect Cancer Early Programme was launched in 2012. Its main purpose was to raise the public's awareness of the national cancer screening programmes and the early signs and symptoms of cancer to encourage them to seek help earlier.

62. We plan to continue the programme, and the new Cancer Strategy will include an Earlier Diagnosis Vision, shaping the earlier diagnosis programmes in Scotland over the period of the new strategy. Earlier diagnosis of cancer means detecting cancer in people with symptoms as soon as possible when there are more treatment options and a better chance of cure.

Question 15a
What would you like to see an Earlier Diagnosis Vision achieve?

Think ahead to the next 10 years, think big picture – what change(s) should we be aiming to influence when it comes to earlier cancer diagnosis? Consider access to care/cancer screening/primary care/diagnostics and awareness of cancer signs and symptoms


Question 15b
Should the Earlier Diagnosis Vision set itself a numerical target?

For example, 75% of all cancers diagnosed at an earlier stage. Please provide any suggested target you have.


Question 15c
Should the earlier cancer diagnosis vision focus on specific cancer types?

The current programme focusses on lung, bowel and breast cancers that account for 45% of all cancers diagnosed in Scotland.


Question 15d
If you or a family member or friend have previous experience of a cancer diagnosis, where did the service work well and why was that? What could have improved the experience?

Please refer back to your personal experience to identify how services worked well and where improvements could be made.


Question 15e
From your previous experience where would you like to access care if you had concerns about cancer that would be different to what is available currently?

Please identify where you would like to access care differently to your experience.


Question 15f
What does good earlier cancer diagnosis look like for you?

Think about what a good outcome would be, for example more people being diagnosed when they can be cured of cancer, living well with cancer for longer etc




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