
New cancer strategy: consultation

We have started developing a new cancer strategy for Scotland and want to seek wide ranging views on what should be prioritised as we recover from the pandemic and beyond. The consultation will be live from 12 April 2022 until 7 June 2022, this document has been developed to support responses.

Section H: Impact Assessments

63. We want to hear your views on how this cancer strategy could affect various aspects of inequalities, and how potential negative impacts could be avoided.

Question 16a
In your experience, are there aspects of cancer diagnosis, treatment or care that affect people from marginalised groups differently? If there are negative effects, what could be done to prevent this happening?

Please consider the 'protected characteristics' of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.


Question 16b
Similarly, is how we manage cancer different for wealthy or poor people? What could be done to do this better?

Please consider the impact of socio-economic inequality.


Question 16c
Is the experience of cancer different for people living in rural or island communities? What could be done to prevent any negative impacts?

Please consider the impact of rurality on access to and quality of cancer services.




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