
New Deal for Business Group - Report on Progress & Recommendations: Implementation Plan

Update on the work of the New Deal for Business Group including the Implementation Plan detailing how the work of the New Deal for Business will be taken forward over the next 18 months.


Ongoing role of the NDBG and Scottish Government supporting arrangements

To ensure the delivery of this plan, and all 78 actions, the NDBG will continue for at least 18 months with an updated brief focusing on delivery governance. The sub-groups will largely continue in the same form, and relevant new members may be added, to deliver a task and finish role and progress individual actions.

The newly formed Directorate for Business and Better Regulation within the Scottish Government demonstrates the commitment to work more closely with businesses to deliver a high-quality functioning relationship between the Scottish Government, business, and other partners. Ultimately, we want to see the following shift in that relationship:

Where we currently operate

  • Trasnmits
  • Engage

Where we need to operate

  • Align
  • Co-design
  • Partnership

This emphasises that this relationship is key to ensuring we have an economy that is fair, green, and growing, where business and trade can thrive while caring for people and planet, as we transition to a Wellbeing Economy.



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