
New dementia strategy for Scotland: Everyone's Story

The new Dementia Strategy for Scotland is a 10-year vision for change. This strategy was developed in collaboration with people with lived experience and our wider partners. It is the culmination of eight months of engagement with people across Scotland, focussed on how we improve delivery

Governance Groups

National Dementia Lived Experience Panel

Allan Gall

Angela Worthington

Arvind Salwan

Audrey Ross

Collette Riley

Daniel Murphy

Denise Finlay

Elaine Symington

Emily McGill

Geoff Orry

Gerry King

Ian Symington

Irene Donaldson

James M Milne

Kenny Moffat

Kenny Wright

Martin Robertson

Paula Ferguson

Ron Coleman

Tony Worthington

Willy Gilder

National Dementia Strategy-Advisory Group

Iona Colvin (Chair) - Scottish Government

Alistair Cook - Principal Medical Officer to Mental Health Directorate

Claire Lamza - Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland

Diane Fraser - Social Work Scotland

Fiona Collie - Carers Scotland

Graham Galloway - Kirrie Connections

Jane Douglas - Scottish Care

Jim Pearson - Alzheimer Scotland

Kainde Manji - Age Scotland

Karen Reid - NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

Lesley Palmer - University of Stirling

Lorna Gibbs - Scottish Government

Lynne Douglas - Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland

Margaret Chiwanza - Minority Ethnic Carers of People Project (MECOPP)

Rebecca Hoffman - LGBT Health and Wellbeing

Richmond Davies - Public Health Scotland

Ruth Griffith - Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA)

Sandy Robinson - Scottish Government

Susan Ferguson - Scottish Government

Vivek Pattan - NHS, Forth Valley



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