
Dementia strategy: initial 2-year delivery plan - 2024 to 2026

This delivery plan sets out how Scottish Government and COSLA will work with the voices of lived experience and delivery partners to begin to realise the vision for change set out in our new dementia strategy for Scotland: Everyone's Story

Our Governance For Delivery

Whilst we recognise that some areas of policy may be developed nationally, change for the individual and for our communities happens locally. The relationship between Scottish Government, local government, community organisations, higher education institutions, professional bodies and those with lived experience will be critical in delivering the ambitions of the strategy.

We will continue to develop collaborative working relationships that are focussed on achieving shared outcomes; acknowledge that those living and working in communities are best placed to understand and shape local responses, and that people living with dementia, and those supporting them, are experts by experience.

As part of the governance of this plan we will:

1. Strengthen collaboration and co-ordination across national and local government, recognising the contribution of public services such as housing, planning, transport, health and social care, social work and Social Security Scotland. This can add significantly to the delivery of positive outcomes for individuals and communities.

2. Strengthen connections within and between localities to support the delivery of the strategy. Work with local partners, including community networks, to build on knowledge of local need and opportunity to better understand how to adapt and apply good practice across Scotland.

3. Establish more robust, proportionate mechanisms for monitoring outcomes and accounting for investment in dementia services including clarity that new and developing Scottish Government-funded initiatives can demonstrate their contribution to the strategy.

4. Extend the structures that have been established as part of the Strategy’s development to hold ourselves accountable for implementation against the key deliverables set out in this delivery plan. This will include a group for people living with dementia that is separate to those who are care partners/unpaid carers.



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