
Dementia strategy: initial 2-year delivery plan - 2024 to 2026

This delivery plan sets out how Scottish Government and COSLA will work with the voices of lived experience and delivery partners to begin to realise the vision for change set out in our new dementia strategy for Scotland: Everyone's Story

Annex: How This Delivery Plan Was Developed

Along with the dementia strategy governance structures of Strategy Delivery Group and Lived Experience Panel, a series of multi-agency and multi-sectoral working groups, including invaluable in-depth one-to-one discussions, met to inform and shape the delivery plan. This inclusive approach recognised a major challenge for bodies responsible for the provision of health and social care will be changing attitudes and practices to ensure that the rights of people with dementia are fully met.

Groups identified existing good practice as well as significant gaps and proposed actions to address them relating to each of the following inter-connected themes:

  • Brain Health
  • Diagnosis and Post-Diagnostic Support
  • Resilient Communities
  • Care Partners/Unpaid Carers
  • Workforce

An additional working group is developing a public-facing anti-stigma campaign, a co-production between the National Dementia Lived Experience Panel, the Leith Agency and Scottish Government Marketing.

The groups were co-chaired by members of the National Dementia Lived Experience Panel alongside Scottish Government and Third Sector members of the Strategy Delivery Group. Participants were drawn from health, social care, housing, community networks, carers, planning and architecture, education and training, relevant regulatory and training bodies, and those with lived experience.



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