
New dementia strategy for Scotland: summary

This summary of our New Dementia Strategy for Scotland (a 10-year vision for change) sets out the difference we want to make, prioritising how we improve delivery and impact, with a focus on enhancing community supports.

 How We Got Here? 

This strategy builds on a strong track record in dementia policy and practice. This was added to by a series of conversations that embraced communities up and down Scotland, listened closely to professional and academic voices, and placed the experiences of people living with dementia at its core.

It has been developed in collaboration with the National Dementia Lived Experience Panel, established in 2022. Alongside the Strategy Advisory Group, the Panel has a formal governance and accountability role, working with government to oversee the strategy's development. Providing a national governance role for the Panel is a major change from previous strategies, and has been critical to the 'new story' set out.

In addition to our governance partners, we have engaged people across Scotland through:

  • 8 months of engagement, including an initial National Conversation open to everyone with an interest in dementia.
  • 110 engagement events and discussions in person and online, from Orkney to Dunoon.
  • 167 written responses to our National Conversation from individuals, care providers, communities and stakeholder organisations.
  • A parliamentary debate on the Strategy, informed by a summary of What People Told Us during the National Conversation.
  • A series of discussions with senior leaders in local and national government, including at COSLA's Health and Social Care Board.
  • A specific focus on capturing the experiences of our minority communities in relation to dementia care and support, which has informed the Strategy's development and will be a central part of delivery.
  • Multiple sessions with practitioners and academics, as well as commissioning an international evidence review on dementia policy interventions.



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