
New Entrants and Young Farmers Start-Up Grant Schemes: evaluation

Evaluation of the New Entrants and Young Farmers Start-Up Grants, which discusses the challenge of generational renewal in the farming sector and considers the extent to which the grants contributed to our aims to encourage new, younger entrants to the industry.


1. Results from the Scottish Agricultural Census: June 2021 - (

2. This outline of the purpose of the scheme is from the scheme guidance, which can be accessed here for the YFSUG and here for the NESUG.

3. While the precise amounts of funding were in Euros, these were paid in pounds. However, for ease and to avoid the complexity of currency fluctuations over time, Euros are referred to here. For reference, at current conversion rates: €70,000 = £59,604 and €15,000 = £12,772. These exchange rates are accurate as of August 2021.

4. Land access a key barrier for new entrants to farming | The James Hutton Institute

5. Scotland-Farm-Review-2019_WEB.pdf (

6. Farm Business Survey 2018-2019: profitability of Scottish farming - (

7. Farming opportunities for new entrants (FONE) - (

8. Scottish Government (2020) Total Income from Farming Estimates: 2017-2019. Available here.

9. Scottish farm business income: annual estimates 2017-2018 - (



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