
New Medicines Reviews 2013

Reports on the role of SMC & Review of IPTR & ADTC


All Wales Medicines Strategy Group (2012). AWMSG policy relating to Ultra-orphan Medicines
Accessed 28/02/2013

Anon. Working with SMC - A Guide for Manufacturers (2012)
Accessed 21/02/2013

Barbieri M, Hawkins N, Sculpher M. Who does the numbers? The role of third-party technology assessment to inform health systems' decision-making about the funding of health technologies.
Value in Health 2009;12:193e201.

Bending M, Hutton J, McGrath C.A comparison of pharmaceutical reimbursement agencies' processes and methods in France and Scotland.
Int J Technol Assess Health Care. 2012; 28: 187-94

Bennie M, Dear J, Hems S, Black C, McIver L, Webb DJ An investigation into the effect of advice from the Scottish Medicines Consortium on the use of medicines in Scotland's Health Service.
Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2011; 71: 283-8.

Cairns J. Providing guidance to the NHS: The Scottish Medicines Consortium and the National Institute for Clinical Excellence compared.
Health Policy. 2006; 76: 134-43. Epub 2005 Jun 27.

Clark, S. and Weale, Social values in health priority setting.
Journal of Health Management and Organisation 2012; 26: 293-316.

Dear J, O'Dowd C, Timoney A, Paterson KR, Walker A, Webb DJ. Scottish Medicines Consortium: an overview of rapid new drug assessment in Scotland.
Scott Med J. 2007; 52: 20-6

Ford JA, Waugh N, Sharma P, Sculpher M, Walker A. NICE guidance: a comparative study of the introduction of the single technology appraisal process and comparison with guidance from Scottish Medicines Consortium. BMJ Open. 2012; 2: e000671. Print 2012.

Healthcare Policy and Strategy Directorate: Quality Division. Introduction and availability of newly licensed medicines in the NHS in Scotland.
Accessed 15/03/2013

Hems S, Black C, McIver L, Bennie M. Equity and efficiency: striving for a solution for the introduction of new medicines.
Scott Med J. 2012; 57: 191-5. Doe: 10.1258/smj.2012.012115.

Hughes D, Tunnage B and Yeo ST. Drugs for exceptionally rare diseases: do they deserve special status for funding?
Q J Med 2005; 98: 829-836

Kohli HS. Scottish Medicines Consortium.
National Med J India. 2005; 18: 162.

Lexchin J, Mintzes B. Medicine reimbursement recommendations in Canada, Australia, and Scotland.
Am J Manag Care. 2008; 14: 581-8.

Linley WG & Hughes DA. Societal views on NICE, Cancer Drugs Fund and value-based pricing criteria for prioritising medicines: a cross sectional survey of 4118 adults in Great Britain.
Health Econ. 2012 Sep 7. doi: 10.1002/hec.2872. [Epub ahead of print]

Littlejohns P, Yeung K, Clark S, Weale A. A proposal for a new social values research program and policy network.
J Health Organ Manag. 2012; 26: 407-21.

National Institute for Clinical Excellence. NICE Citizens Council Report. Ultra-Orphan Drugs. London, NICE, 2004.
Accessed 28/02/2013

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Social Value Judgements: Principles for the development of NICE guidance. Second edition. 2008.
Accessed 14/03/2013

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Policies related to the management of medicines. Section 5. Non-formulary processes
Accessed 15/03/2013

Office of Fair Trading 2007. Annexe B. Review of NICE, SMC and AWMSG. February 2007 (Crown copyright)

Office of Fair Trading 2007b. The Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme: An OFT market study

Phillips CJ. Health Economics, an introduction for health professionals. Blackwell Publishing, BMJ Books 2005. ISBN 0-7279-1849-4.

Rawlins MD. Pharmacopolitics and deliberative democracy. Clin Med 2005; 5: 471-5

Rawlins MD. Crossing the fourth hurdle. BJ clin Pharmac 2012; 73(6):855-60. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2125.2012.04263.x

Scottish Government. Implementing CEL17 (2010): Introduction and availability of newly licensed medicines in the NHS in Scotland - good practice guidance for NHS Board Management of individual patient treatment requests (IPTRs). SGHD/CMO(2011)3

Scottish Government: Guidance to further strengthen the safe and effective use of new medicines across the NHS in Scotland. SGHD/CMO(2012)1

SMC Evaluation Project Team. SMC 'not recommended' advice - an investigation of medicines use across NHS Scotland. Executive Summary and Full Report. Scottish Medicines Consortium, September 2008.
Accessed 28/02/2013

Taylor R & Taylor R. What is health technology assessment?
Accessed 14/03/2013

Vegter S, Rozenbaum MH, Postema R, Tolley K, Postma M. J Review of regulatory recommendations for orphan drug submissions in the Netherlands and Scotland: focus on the underlying pharmacoeconomic evaluations.

Clin Ther. 2010; 32: 1651-61.

Webb DJ, Paterson KR, Timoney A, Walker A. Scotland v England deal on prescribed drugs: Scottish Medicines Consortium responds. BMJ. 2006;333: 1073; author reply 1073.

Weinstein MC, Torrance G, McGuire A. QALYs: The Basics.

Value Health. 2010; 13: 1065.



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