
Mental Health Act - compulsory treatment orders: guide

A guide to compulsory treatment orders relating to the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003.

8 Can you be given medical treatment when you're on a CTO?

You can be given medical treatment for your mental disorder when you're on a CTO, or interim CTO, if the Tribunal has agreed to this, or if you need treatment in an emergency.

The rules about medical treatment are set out in part 16 of the Act. The definition of "medical treatment" under the Act is quite wide. It means treatment for mental disorder and as well as medical treatments like drug treatments and electro-convulsive therapy ( ECT), it also covers nursing care, psychological interventions, habilitation and rehabilitation. ('Habilitation' and 'rehabilitation' cover things like education and training in work, social and independent living skills.)

There are special safeguards for some treatments, for example neurosurgery for mental disorder ( NMD), ECT and drug treatment given for more than 2 months.

The rules about medical treatment are set out in more detail in a separate guide called The New Mental Health Act: A guide to consent to treatment - see here for details.

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