
The New Mental Health Act: Putting Principles into Practice - Information for Service Users and their Carers

The New Mental Health Act: Putting Principles into Practice - Information for Service Users and their Carers

ISBN 0 7559 4972 2
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The New Mental Health Act

1 Some terms used in this guide

2 What are the principles for?

3 What do the principles say?
Take your past and present wishes into account
Make sure you get the information and support you need to take part in decisions
Take the views of your carer, named person, guardian or welfare attorney into account
Look at the full range of options for your care
Give you treatment that provides maximum benefit
Take account of your background, beliefs and abilities
Make sure that any restrictions on your freedom should be the minimum necessary in the circumstances
Make sure that you are not being treated less favourably than other patients
Your carers' needs are taken into account and they get the information and support they need to help them care for you
Take special care of your welfare if you are under 18 years of age.

4 What can I do if I don't think the principles are being applied to my care and treatment?

5 Further information contacts

6 Acknowledgements

7 Other guides in this series

Further copies of this document are available, on request, in audio and large printformats and in community languages, please contact:

image of contact addresses in community languages

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