
The New Mental Health Act: Rights of Carers - information for people who care for a service user

The New Mental Health Act: Rights of Carers - information for people who care for a service user

In March 2003 the Scottish Parliament passed a new law, the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003. It came into effect in October 2005. It sets out how a service user with a mental disorder can be treated and says what their rights are.

This guide is one of a series of guides about the new Act, and it explains what the Act says about the rights of carers.

The Act says

  • When a service user can be given treatment against their will
  • When a service user can be taken into hospital against their will
  • What a service user's rights are
  • What the safeguards are to make sure a service user rights are protected

This guide is written for people who care for a person with a mental disorder, but it may be of interest to others including service users and independent advocates.


While we have done our best to see that the information contained in
this guide was accurate and up to date when it was published we cannot guarantee this. If you have any questions about how the information might apply to you, you should discuss your concerns with a solicitor, your independent advocate or other appropriate adviser.

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