
New National Parks - nomination process and draft appraisal framework: consultation

We produced an appraisal framework to support the assessment of nominations for new National Park designations. This consultation is seeking your views and comments on this and the selection criteria for new National Parks in Scotland.

Annex A – Nomination Form

Nomination for New National Park – [insert nomination group or area name]

Submitted by: [Name]

On behalf of: [insert names of key groups, organisations and persons involved in the nomination]

Date submitted: [Date]

1. What is the area being nominated for National Park designation?

Please provide a name and simple written description of the potential area (or options for the area) including its approximate size and its main settlements. A map image can also be provided for this section to support this.

Include the local authority area(s) the nomination is within.

2. Why does the area nominated merit National Park status?

Please provide a non-technical description of what is special about the area, why it merits designation as a National Park and how National Park status would help to meet the special needs of the area. Your description should explain how the area meets the conditions for National Parks as set out in the National Parks (Scotland) Act 2000:

  • That the area is of outstanding national importance because of its natural heritage or the combination of its natural and cultural heritage;
  • That the area has a distinctive character and coherent identity; and
  • That designating the area as a National Park would meet the special needs of the area.

3. What difference would National Park designation make for both nature and people? What is the strategic contribution that a National Park in this area could make?

Outline the benefits and added value that could be achieved by the area becoming a National Park, describing the opportunities for nature recovery, climate change mitigation and adaptation, sustainable and progressive land use and support to the area's communities in a way that is as fair and inclusive as possible. These could include:

  • complementing and adding to the strategic contribution of Scotland's existing National Parks;
  • positive action for the restoration and regeneration of biodiversity and the protection of vulnerable and important species;
  • reducing carbon emissions and adapting to the effects of climate change;
  • encouraging nature-friendly farming, forestry and marine use;
  • generating inward investment in the area's natural capital and the growth of green skills and jobs; and
  • supporting the development of a green wellbeing economy.

4. How would designating the area as a National Park support visitor management and the area's offer for education, recreation and access to nature for all of Scotland's people?

Outline the benefits, opportunities and challenges including:

  • Opportunities for enjoyment, recreation and understanding of the area's natural and cultural heritage;
  • How National Park designation could support visitor management in the area;
  • How National Park designation could support current and potential future transport infrastructure in the area;
  • How National Park designation could support access to nature for Scotland's people.

5. Who has been involved in the development of this nomination?

Provide the name of the lead person, group or organisation in the nominated area, including contact details.

Provide a list of who has been involved in developing the nomination and details of any local community engagement activities undertaken to discuss, consider or measure/gain support for the nomination and any evidence of local/stakeholder support for the nomination where available.

Where applicable, details of any surveys or assessment of local support undertaken should also be provided here. Any conflicts of interest that nominating groups are aware of should also be declared with supporting information/evidence.

Nomination Form Annexes/Attachments:

[Insert any annexes or attachments here]



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