New Scots Core Group minutes: May 2024

Minutes from the meeting of the New Scots Core Group 1 May 2024.

Attendees and apologies

Alison Phipps, University of Glasgow (Chair)
Karen McIntyre, Bridges Programmes 
Phil Arnold, British Red Cross
Gayle Findlay, COSLA
Claire Donaghey, Glasgow Clyde College 
Madhi Saki, Mental Health Foundation
Paul Matheson, Police Scotland
David Reilly, Police Scotland (covering for Steven Fraser)
Catherine Brown, Scottish Government
Billy McKenzie, Scottish Government
Mandy Watts, Scottish Government
Gary Christie, Scottish Refugee Council
Wafa Shaheen, Scottish Refugee Council
Jenny Kehoe, Scottish Government (Minutes)


Will Tuladhar-Douglas, COSLA


Emma McCarthy, British Red Cross
Andy Morrison, COSLA
Stuart Cameron, Creative Scotland
Jacqui Hughes, DWP
Ghizala Avan, Mental Health Foundation
Natalie Nixon, Scottish Government
Elodie Mignard, Scottish Refugee Council
Steven Fraser, Police Scotland

Items and actions

Welcome and apologies

AP noted that David Reilly is attending today’s meeting on behalf of Steven Fraser. She also noted that while NN can’t be with us today, she’s finishing up her work on New Scots to move on to a social research post elsewhere in Scottish Government.

The group thanked NN for her work and wished her well.

Minutes/action points from meeting 12 March  

The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting on 12 March. 

Final report update 

JK provided a brief update on this, noting that that we are waiting on final contributions and work will progress this once we have these.

New Scots 3 

Strategy publication

JK provided an update on the publication of the strategy, noting this took place on 28 March and that following publication of the Delivery Plan, Scottish Government will look to make arrangements to publish a summary and then translations in key refugee languages.

Delivery plan

WS provided an overview of the new Scotland-wide Refugee Support Service, which is currently funded for one year.

The Group expressed enthusiasm that there is continuing support for services provided and an interest in how their respective organisations can engage with this service.

Action: WS and PA to have a follow-up conversation on links between British Red Cross (BRC) and the Refugee Support Service (RSS).

Community consultation analysis 

JK provided an update on this and confirmed that this will publish as a fuller version by the end of June.

Lived experience involvement in Governance

GC provided an update on this session held in March and noting the enthusiasm of those with lived experience to be involved in the work of New Scots across Scotland, wherever that is being delivered, including at Core Group.

The Group welcomed increased opportunities for the involvement of those with lived experience, including at this group.

It was also noted that while some organisations across Scotland already do this well, looking to spread this good practice more widely. The need for effective support for participants was also noted.

Initial draft of delivery plan for discussion

AP introduced this item and then opened it for discussion to the group. Members commented that this provided a comprehensive list of actions and that a number of organisations are keen to contribute. It was also noted that it was important to consider how to keep the plan dynamic and reactive and AP noted that the plan will be revisited on an annual basis as dynamism is important.

Launch event 

AP provided an update on plans for a launch date, noting that the date had not yet been confirmed.

New Scots partners thanked AP for her ongoing efforts in pulling this together.

World Refugee and Refugee Festival Scotland 2024 

GC provided an update on plans underway for World Refugee Day (20 June) and Refugee Festival Scotland (14 – 23 June). He noted that the full programme will launch shortly and over 100 events are expected to take place, including the Media Awards, and RSNO event and a reception planned with UNHCR at the Scottish Parliament.

AP noted the events planned under the UNESCO RILA Spring School in Glasgow and noted that there would also be a southern hemisphere spring event in October to be held online. 

Emerging issues and updates 

Asylum dispersal and unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (UASC)

GF updated on these items, noting that conversations are still ongoing around full asylum dispersal and that these are complex and take time.

She also noted that there has also been a rise in  UASC numbers over the last few weeks.

Afghan resettlement (Afghan relocation and assistance policy (ARAP) /Afghan citizens resettlement scheme (ACRS) and UK resettlement scheme (UKRS)

GF noted that the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and Mears are both involved in this, with Mears providing accommodation to MoD. Wrap-around support is being provided by Local Authorities.

She also noted that over the last few weeks there has been a rise in the number of properties being offered by Local Authorities for the UKRS scheme.

Separately to this, AP noted that at the moment those in Gaza can only leave under very limited circumstances.

Rwanda and First Minister  resignation

BM noted that Scottish Ministers do not support the UK Government position on Rwanda and will speak strongly on this over next few days, as they want people to feel as supported as possible. He also highlighted the Scottish Refugee Council (SRC) Helpline as a source of support.

Members noted significant fear within communities and the need for advice, as well as risks around misinformation and the importance of being clear about who is at risk and how they can receive support and information through community organisations and the role of national organisations, including Police Scotland and Scottish Government.

Any other business

AP noted that we will be looking to have the next Core Group meeting following publication of the Delivery Plan. 

GC noted that Graham O’Neill has moved on from his Policy Manager role at SRC and work is underway to recruit a replacement.

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