New Scots Refugee Integration Delivery Project: funded projects analysis

Research findings from qualitative analysis of monitoring returns provided by organisations funded through the New Scots Refugee Integration Delivery Project.

Appendix A: Quarterly report template (Q1/3/5)


  • Monitoring status:
  • Organisation:
  • Project name:
  • Topic applied for:
  • Type of project:
  • Size of project:
  • Award value:
  • Start date:
  • End date:
  • Report written by:
  • Reporting period dates:
  • Reporting period:


  • Report written by:
  • Please tell us about your progress in relation to your overall project work plan. What have you done during this reporting period (a brief explanation of activities)? Have you done what you intended to do in this reporting period? What are the main successes, achievements and milestones delivered in this reporting period?

Project plan for the reporting quarter

  • Progress update against the planned activities for the reporting period
  • Main successes, achievements and milestones delivered in the reporting period
  • Have you had to change anything about your planned activities, or missed any milestones during this reporting period?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

  • What have you found challenging?
  • Are there any emerging risks that could potentially threaten delivery of the project?


  • In the last three months have you spent the project funding in line with your original plans?



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