
New Scots Refugee Integration Delivery Project: funded projects analysis

Research findings from qualitative analysis of monitoring returns provided by organisations funded through the New Scots Refugee Integration Delivery Project.

Appendix B: Final report template

Project Details

  • Monitoring status:
  • Organisation:
  • Project name:
  • Topic applied for:
  • Type of project:
  • Size of project:
  • Award value:
  • Start date:
  • End date:
  • Report written by:


  • Please describe the activities you have progressed / finished over the course of the project. Overall, were there activities that you planned to undertake but could not? If so, please tell us why.
  • Did you undertake additional activities that were not envisaged in the original plan? If so please tell us what they were.

Progress against your basic project indicators

Please tell us about your overall progress in relation to the different indicators you have defined for your project

Activity 1

  • Description:

Please tell us how many individual people you reached through this activity during the lifetime of the project. Please avoid any double counting.

  • Males:
  • Females:
  • Total:
  • Please include any non-binary individuals in the total number.

Activity 1 Indicator 1

  • Describe the indicator - what are you going to measure?
  • What is the data source going to be? How will you collect this data?
  • How often will you collect this data?
  • Progress at end of the project

Activity 2

  • Description:

Please tell us how many individual people you reached through this activity during the lifetime of the project. Please avoid any double counting.

  • Males:
  • Females:
  • Total:

Please include any non-binary individuals in the total number.

Activity 2 Indicator 1

  • Describe the indicator - what are you going to measure?
  • What is the data source going to be? How will you collect this data?
  • How often will you collect this data?
  • Progress at end of the project

Overall, how many individual people have you reached cumulatively since the start of the project? Please do not double count; eg. individuals who are participating in more than one activity or reporting period should only be counted once.

  • Males:
  • Females:
  • Total:

Please include any non-binary individuals in the total number.

Progress against your project 'outcome' indicators

Outcome 1

  • What is the aim of this outcome?

Outcome 1 Indicator 1

  • Describe the indicator - what are you going to measure?
  • What is the data source going to be? How will you collect this data?
  • How often will you collect this data?

Looking back: Overall project evaluation

  • Thinking about the original aims of your project, has your project brought about the changes you expected it to? Please describe how successful your project has been in bringing about the changes you wanted to achieve. What are the most significant changes that you consider to have resulted from your project? If your project did not bring about some of the changes you expected it to, explain why you think this was.
  • Thinking about your project as a whole, what has worked well? Were there any aspects that were particularly successful? How well do you think that your project has contributed to refugee integration within your target communities? Please also include any unexpected outcomes or achievements you would like to share with us.
  • Thinking about your project as a whole, what have you found challenging? Please give us details of what you have found most challenging over the duration of your project. If you had to deviate from your original project plan for any reason please include details here, and how you dealt with this.
  • If you have worked in partnership to deliver the project, what have been the positive aspects of the collaboration and have there been any challenges in working together?
  • [If relevant] Since your project has adopted innovative approaches, please tell us about your experience of using innovation in this project. What have been the positive aspects of taking on a new approach and what it has allowed you to achieve? Did you experience any difficulties in implementing a project which has not been done before? What have you learned from this?
  • Has your project developed any learning materials and/or any tools or methodology that could be shared/adapted and used by others to support refugee integration? Please tell us more about your experience of developing these, how you used them, and what you learned from this. How do you plan to share these more widely?
  • In this last reporting period or since you've finished your project have you received any feedback from participants about the project? Please provide details of the main feedback you have received over the duration of your project.
  • Thinking about your project as a whole, how well did you reach everyone who could benefit from your project? Please describe what you did to ensure that all potential participants were informed about the project and supported to engage with it. If your project hasn't reached at many people as you would have liked, explain why you think this is.
  • Thinking about your project as a whole, how well were you able to involve refugees in its delivery? If there were any challenges, please explain what these were and how they were addressed.
  • Are there aspects of your project that you think will have a lasting impact after the funding ends? This may include adopting approaches from your project more widely across your other work, or continuing some or all of the project with other funding.
  • What are the key things that your organisation has learned from implementation of this project? Is there anything you would do differently if you were doing this again? And what recommendations and learning would you give to other organisations seeking to something similar?
  • Do you have any other comments and observations you wish to add about the delivery and performance of your project overall?


  • Since the start of your project have you spent the project funding in line with your original plans?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

Equality information

For the following questions please only provide details of direct beneficiaries (those that have engaged with the project) and not indirect beneficiaries (their families, friends, etc...)

  • Please indicate if your project included targeted work with people based on any of the following characteristics.

[ ] Age (older people)

[ ] Age (younger people)

[ ] Disability

[ ] Gender

[ ] Race

[ ] Religion / belief / faith

[ ] Sexual orientation and / or gender identity

[ ] Socio-economic disadvantage

[ ] Marriage and Civil Partnership

[ ] Pregnancy and maternity

[ ] Sex

[ ] Sexual Orientation

[ ] Other (please specify)

Refugee Communities

  • Please tell us which refugee communities you have worked with during your project.

Disability Information

  • [If relevant] You indicated that disabilities were part of your project focus, please record the number of people that have been engaging with your project that have had a physical or mental health condition that has lasted or is expected to last 12 months or more.

[ ] Prefer not to say

[ ] Disabled


  • Percentage:
  • Not disabled:
  • Total

Religious Information

  • You indicated that religion was part of your project focus. Which religious communities, denominations or bodies have you worked with as part of this project?

[ ] Prefer not to say

[ ] Buddhist

[ ] Church of Scotland

[ ] Hindu

[ ] Jewish

[ ] Muslim

[ ] None

[ ] Other Christian

[ ] Pagan

[ ] Roman Catholic

[ ] Sikh

[ ] Other

Reaching Target Groups

  • How successful have you been at reaching the intended target groups for your project? Were there any groups or people with protected characteristics that were more difficult to reach (e.g. specific refugee communities, older people, disabled people, LGBTQI+ people)? If so, why do you think that was?
  • What have you learned from working with the project target groups and/or groups or people with protected characteristics? Is there anything you would do differently in the future?



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