
New Scots refugee integration strategy 2018-2022: summary

Summary of the New Scots refugee integration strategy 2018-22.

Needs of Asylum Seekers

" Everyone has the right to seek and enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution."

Article 14(1) Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Objectives and Actions

The following initial actions set out the work related to the needs of asylum seekers, which will be progressed in the first instance:

Outcome: Refugees and asylum seekers understand their rights, responsibilities and entitlements, and are able to exercise them to pursue full and independent lives.

Objective: what we want to achieve

Action: what we will do

Asylum seekers are supported to understand the asylum system and their rights and entitlements throughout the process, and are able to engage with services and systems accordingly.

Review and assess the effectiveness of information and support, including advocacy support, provided to or needed by asylum seekers.

Identify how interpretation and translation services can be improved to better meet the needs of asylum seekers.

Ensure that asylum seekers better understand and exercise their rights around access to travel support, where that is provided, and identify and seek to address any particular challenges for asylum seekers in this regard.

Outcome: Refugees and asylum seekers are able to access well-coordinated services, which recognise and meet their rights and needs.

Objective: what we want to achieve

Action: what we will do

Services supporting asylum seekers are accessible, well-coordinated and responsive to the needs of asylum seekers, and support their integration into Scotland's communities.

Produce an up to date picture of the services and processes that support asylum seekers by building on previous work on mapping the asylum journey.

Build a better understanding of the needs of asylum seekers and the particular challenges that they face by identifying, gathering and sharing relevant data in relation to asylum in Scotland.

Work to address gaps that are identified in service provision and referral processes.

Share and roll out, as appropriate, best practice in service provision from elsewhere in the UK and beyond.

Outcome: Policy, strategic planning and legislation, which have an impact on refugees and asylum seekers, are informed by their rights, needs and aspirations.

Objective: what we want to achieve

Action: what we will do

Policy, strategic planning and legislation in relation to asylum are informed by the needs and aspirations of asylum seekers and local communities.

Inform and influence the Home Office consultation and tendering process, in relation to the new asylum accommodation and advice contracts.

Work collaboratively with the successful bidder(s) after the awarding of the new asylum accommodation and advice contracts.

Inform and influence strategic planning around the widening of dispersal, and share expertise and learning with local authorities that agree to, or are considering, involvement.

Examine the implications of the Immigration Act 2016 and other UK and Scottish legislation that impacts asylum seekers and respond accordingly.

Support the response to the Scottish Parliament's Equalities and Human Rights Committee Inquiry and report into destitution, that are relevant to asylum seekers.

Support the engagement of asylum seekers in policy formulation and in the strategic planning and development of services for them.


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