
New Scots: refugee integration strategy 2018 to 2022

The New Scots refugee integration strategy sets out an approach to support the vision of a welcoming Scotland.

Annex C: Resourcing

The Home Office is responsible for providing accommodation and financial support to asylum seekers, who would otherwise be destitute. The Home Office also funds an independent advice service to assist people in the asylum process, including help to access asylum support, health and education services and information and assistance in accessing legal representation. Upon recognition of their asylum claim, a refugee may apply for an integration loan from the Home Office.

The UK Government is also responsible for allocating financial support to local authorities for refugee resettlement, most notably in Scotland through the Syrian Resettlement Programme ( SRP) and the Vulnerable Children's Relocation Scheme ( VCRS). In both of these programmes, local authorities are allocated funding for the first five years after refugees arrive in the UK, in order to address the most pressing needs of the people who have been resettled. Additional one-off payments are provided for adult ESOL provision, while Health Boards receive funding to cover primary care registration and secondary care costs during the first year. They can also claim additional exceptional secondary health care costs on a case by case basis.

There is no programme of funding specifically allocated to the implementation of the New Scots strategy. However, the Scottish Government provides funding to support the integration of refugees and people seeking asylum in Scotland through its equality budget. Over £2.7 million is supporting a range of projects run by third sector organisations from 2017 – 2020, including opportunities such as employability support, English language classes, mental health support and cultural activities aimed at integrating refugees and asylum seekers in their local communities. A number of public, voluntary, community and faith organisations also play a significant role in supporting refugees and asylum seekers to integrate in their new communities in Scotland.

In September 2015, following the increasing movement of refugees as a result of the Syrian conflict, the First Minister announced that £1 million would be made available to ensure that services across Scotland were prepared to deal with the arrival of refugees. The Refugee Taskforce [109] identified key priorities for funding as English language learning, employability and mental health. Funding has subsequently been allocated to projects in these priority areas, as well as supporting the operation of the Syrian Resettlement Programme in Scotland.

The Scottish Government also funds the Scottish Guardianship Service with £300,000 in 2017 – 2018. Its primary aim is to improve the lives of separated children, including those who may have been the victims of child trafficking, who arrive unaccompanied in Scotland.

The Big Lottery Fund Scotland is providing £1.2 million over two years to support the Refugee Integration Service. The service provides information, advice and advocacy to refugees and asylum seekers. It is led by the Scottish Refugee Council, working in partnership with the British Red Cross, Bridges Programmes, Freedom From Torture and four Local Integration Networks in Glasgow.

In the current economic context, it is unlikely that the New Scots strategy will lead to significant new resources being allocated to refugee integration. The focus of all partners will be to make best use of the resources and expertise that are available.


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