
New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy 2024: engagement analysis report

Analysis of engagement which informed the development of Scotland’s New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy 2024.


Background to the New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy

The New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy (henceforth referred to as the New Scots Strategy) sets out a vision for a welcoming Scotland where refugees and people seeking asylum are able to rebuild their lives from the day they arrive. The purpose of the strategy is to coordinate the efforts of organisations and community groups across Scotland involved in supporting forced migrants. It provides a clear framework and governance structure for all those working towards refugee integration and aims to support an effective implementation of the rights and entitlements of New Scots. It assists the work of all partners to make the best use of resources and expertise available across Scotland by promoting partnership approaches, and joined-up working, as well as early, inclusive and evidence-based intervention as part of a place-based approach.

The New Scots Strategy is built on partnership and collaboration between the Scottish Government, the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) and the Scottish Refugee Council (SRC) - referred to here as the Strategy Partners - working together with public services, third sector organisations and community groups. The New Scots Strategy’s approach towards integration seeks to provide a positive experience for refugees and people seeking asylum. The aim is to ensure New Scots live in safe and welcoming communities that enable them to rebuild their lives from the day they arrive in Scotland.

The first New Scots Strategy was published in 2014[1] and covered 2014-2017. The second updated and revised Strategy was produced to cover 2018-2022[2]. Unlike the first two Strategies, the third Strategy has two parts: a Strategic Framework (published March 2024)[3], and a Delivery Plan, due to be published in 2024, which will be updated regularly. For the 3rd iteration of the New Scots Strategy, the partnership looked to extend the collaborative approach used previously, to ensure the New Scots Strategy continues to be shaped by refugees and people seeking asylum, as well as those with expertise in supporting them.

To this end, a lived experience involvement approach was proposed and implemented. This approach meant that leaders and representatives of New Scots communities and leaders and representatives of organisations supporting New Scots were involved, consulted and able to influence the drafting process so that the new strategy meets the major challenges and needs faced by their communities.



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