New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy: 2024

A strategy supporting the integration of refugees, people seeking asylum and other forced migrants within Scotland’s communities. The strategy is led jointly by the Scottish Government, COSLA and Scottish Refugee Council.


As with the previous New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy, implementation of the Strategy through the actions set out in the Delivery Plan will require resourcing. Currently the funding landscape across the public and third sector is extremely challenging, with significant reduction in resources. Much of the resourcing that enabled the delivery of the previous Strategies’ outcomes came from resources within frontline service delivery across the sector, remodelling of provision of projects and services or from bespoke funds such as the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), National Lottery Funding or Scottish Government grants. The Scottish Government has also provided funding to support a route to safety for people displaced from Ukraine through the Scottish Super Sponsor Scheme. Currently some of these funding routes are unavailable to organisations to develop work to deliver on the commitments within the Strategy.

The UK Government has provided funding to local authorities and the NHS to support people who have arrived through specific routes into Scotland; such as Afghan and UK resettlement programmes including community sponsorship, Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children, Homes for Ukraine and Hong Kong British Nationals (overseas).

The Strategy and Delivery Plan set out a clear framework to enable services, organisations and partners to utilise existing funding to improve and adapt services and engage with other funders to seek additional resources which would contribute to the delivery of work aligned with New Scots.

Key Achievements from the previous New Scots Strategy

The New Scots Strategy and the partnership have achieved many improvements in ensuring improved services and supporting integration. The achievements of the second New Scots Strategy are detailed in the Final Report.[15]



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