
New Scots refugee integration strategy: delivery plan 2024 to 2026

Sets out the actions that the Scottish Government, COSLA and Scottish Refugee Council will take forward with partners during the period 2024 to 2026 to support the integration of refugees, people seeking asylum and other forced migrants within Scotland’s communities.


Governance for the Delivery Plan will consist of a number of groups:

The Leadership Board will provide political oversight of the Strategy and will act as the decision-making board and provide approval for any political changes if required. The Leadership Board will engage with New Scots as part of its commitment. It will also approve the annual review of the New Scots Delivery Plan. Members of this group will include the Minister for Equalities, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) Spokesperson for Community Wellbeing, Scottish Refugee Council's Chief Executive and the independent chair of the New Scots Core Group.

The Core Group will monitor actions, assess risk of actions not being delivered and make decisions on any operational changes where actions are no longer needed or need to be changed. The group has an independent chair, action leads including Scottish Government, Scottish Refugee Council and COSLA and involvement of New Scots and key third sector and statutory partners involved in wider integration work. It will also lead on producing the annual review of the Delivery Plan.

New Scots partners are committed to enabling and supporting New Scots with experience of different protection routes and life in different parts of Scotland to contribute their skills, knowledge and advice to the governance of the Delivery Plan by ensuring barriers to involvement are addressed, including compensation for time and appropriate training. The Leadership Board and Core Group will engage with New Scots and New Scots communities to communicate the purpose and goals of the Strategy, seek views on the impact of the Delivery Plan, and hear perspectives on future actions. We intend for the engagement to be robust, meaningful and to provide opportunity for mutual challenge and for New Scots to be sufficiently represented. The partnership will be subject to annual review and the partnership may be expanded to address time-limited or new challenges to ensure delivery.



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