
New Scots refugee integration strategy: delivery plan 2024 to 2026

Sets out the actions that the Scottish Government, COSLA and Scottish Refugee Council will take forward with partners during the period 2024 to 2026 to support the integration of refugees, people seeking asylum and other forced migrants within Scotland’s communities.

Outcome 4: Communities in Scotland understand integration interculturally and respect the diversity and strengths that New Scots bring.

In the community consultation, New Scots strongly expressed the need for cultural preservation and of raising awareness on different cultures, for Scottish people and services to learn the diverse culture of New Scots and for New Scots to learn more about Scotland. People need to feel able to learn while preserving their cultural heritage, language and passing these on to their children.

The actions under this outcome aim to invest in community organisations and to use the arts to enable the exchange of culture and celebrate Scotland's diversity (which is evolving and changing) and the positive contribution New Scots make to Scotland's communities. Refugee Festival Scotland's[5] events help highlight and celebrate the cultural richness and diversity of our communities. The festival is a celebration of the food and drink, music and poetry, art, dance, language and ideas that people bring with them when they settle in Scotland.

Long-term Outcome 4 (5+years): Communities in Scotland understand integration interculturally and respect the diversity and strengths that New Scots bring.

Activities planned for short term outcome

1: Lead

2: Other Partners

3: By when

Short term outcomes (1-2 years)

4.1 Invest in community initiatives which build on existing good practices and address key priorities identified through the community consultation and/or which support those groups whose needs have already been highlighted, including women, children and young people, older people, disabled people, and members of the LGBTQI+ community.

  • 1. Scottish Government (Asylum and Refugee Integration)
  • 2. Scottish Refugee Council
  • 3. 2024-2026

New Scots have improved social connections within society and across communities.

New Scots have improved confidence in using English.

New Scots cultures are respected, celebrated and thrive.

4.2 Work with employers in identified sectors to develop pathways to employment working with a range of partners to engage and recruit from New Scots communities who have the right to work.

  • 1. Scottish Government (Asylum and Refugee Integration; Employability)
  • 2. Scottish Refugee Council, COSLA, Bridges Programmes, New Scots groups, DWP,

Fair Work employers, SCQF Partnership, Local Employability Partnerships, Local Authorities

  • 3. 2024-2026

Employers in Scotland adopt more inclusive recruitment and work practice.

4.3 Organise and deliver nationwide the Refugee Festival Scotland as nationwide festival to:

  • Celebrate Scotland's diverse cultural identities by providing people from refugee backgrounds with a platform to showcase their creativity, cultural heritage and contributions to life in Scotland.
  • Create connections by bringing people from different backgrounds together to meet, mix and get to know each other better.
  • Promote the cultural richness that diversity brings to Scotland and a culture of welcome and support.
  • 1. Scottish Refugee Council
  • 2. Arts and community organisations, local authorities
  • 3. 2024-2025

New Scots cultures are respected, showcased, celebrated and thrive.

4.4 Publish and promote guidance on how arts and cultural bodies can support the professional practice of artists with lived experience of displacement.

  • 1. Scottish Refugee Council
  • 2. Arts and cultural organisations
  • 3. 2024

New Scots artists receive increased support.

4.5 Promote the benefits that New Scots bring to our communities and Scotland.

1. All partners

3. Ongoing

Increased visibility of the positive contribution New Scots make to Scotland's communities.

4.6 Explore and develop multilingual integration training.

4.6.1 Identify and make available information on multilingual education resources and providers of these especially provision for languages widely spoken in refugee communities and by people seeking asylum.

4.6.2 Host two events focused on languages widely spoken in refugee communities (online and in person).

  • 1. UNESCO Chair on Refugee Integration through Education, Language, and Arts at the University of Glasgow
  • 2. School of Education at the University of Glasgow, and Scottish National Languages Centre
  • 3. 2025

Scotland's New Scots Languages and Scotland's Languages are respected and multilingual education is understood for New Scots.

4.7 Provide training, awareness raising and access to small grants funding to faith communities looking to welcome New Scots.

  • 1. Faith in Community Scotland
  • 2. Scottish Faiths Action for Refugees
  • 3. 2024-2026

Increased engagement of faith communities in supporting New Scots communities.



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