
New Year's Day trading for large retailers: consultation

Large retail businesses are currently able to open on New Year’s Day. This consultation is being held to seek the views of shop workers, retail businesses and others on whether the current law should change so that large retail businesses must close on New Year’s Day.


1 Christmas Day and New Year's Day Trading (Scotland) Act 2007 (

2 Section 2 of the Christmas Day and New Year's Day Trading (Scotland) Act 2007

3 The preferred source for estimates of employee jobs by industry is the Business Register Employment Survey (2019), however demographic breakdowns are not available from BRES and are instead sourced from the Annual Population Survey (APS).

4 Excludes central and local government.


6 Schedule 1 to the Sunday (Trading) Act 1994

7 The Christmas Day (Trading) Act 2004

8 Sunday Trading Act 1994 (

9 Scottish Government - Citizen Space (

10 Christmas Day and New Year's Day Trading (Scotland) Act 2007 (

11 Section 2 of the Christmas Day and New Year's Day Trading (Scotland) Act 2007



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