
Employment Injury Assistance delivery - next steps: consultation - easy read

This consultation provides an overview of the benefits that make up the Industrial Injuries Scheme and the unique complexities and challenges of transfer to the Scottish Government, and seeks views on the next steps for delivering Employment Injury Assistance.

Section 3 – Next steps for Employment Injury Assistance in Scotland

Option 1 Timeline

Delivery of Employment Injury Assistance on a ‘like-for-like’ basis to the current Scheme by early 2026.

Option 2 Timeline

The Scottish Government’s preference is to prioritise long-term changes to the current Industrial Injuries Scheme.

We would begin work immediately following this consultation to start reform.

The stakeholder advisory group would be created one month after this consultation ends. This group would begin to publish advice 9 months after the consultation ends.

Question 3: Please tell us if there is anything relating to the timelines set out above that you wish to provide feedback on. Please specify which timeline you are providing feedback for.

Please give reasons for your answer.

List of questions asked

Question 1: Do you agree or disagree that the Industrial Injuries Scheme is not fit for purpose and should be reformed? [agree/disagree/don’t know]

Please give reasons for your answer.

Question 2: Of the two options (1 – prioritise like-for-like benefit delivered with full case transfer and benefit reform to follow in the longer-term, and 2 – prioritise reform to deliver an updated benefit and a modernised approach delivery) which do you think the Scottish Government should proceed with?

Please give reasons for your answer.

A) Option 1

B) Option 2

C) Neither

D) Don’t know

Please give reasons for your answer.

Question 3: Please tell us if there is anything relating to the timelines set out above that you wish to provide feedback on. Please say which timeline you are commenting on.

Please give reasons for your answer.



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