
Employment Injury Assistance delivery - next steps: consultation

This consultation provides an overview of the benefits that make up the Industrial Injuries Scheme and the unique complexities and challenges of transfer to the Scottish Government, and seeks views on the next steps for delivering Employment Injury Assistance.

Purpose of the paper

Since April 2020, the Scottish Government has been responsible for the Industrial Injuries Scheme in Scotland. This Scheme, which provides financial support to those who have become disabled or have developed a long-term health condition as a result of their employment, is currently delivered by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) under an agency agreement. That agreement, which currently runs to the end of March 2026, ensures people continue to receive the payments they are entitled to without any disruption.

The Scottish Government has committed to replacing the UK Government's Industrial Injuries Scheme with a new benefit called Employment Injury Assistance to be delivered by Social Security Scotland. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic it has taken longer than initially intended to decide how to take this forward. In addition, delivery of other new benefits has been prioritised, like the brand-new Scottish Child Payment, and Adult Disability Payment, our replacement for the UK Government benefit Personal Independence Payment.

This consultation provides an overview of the benefits that make up the Industrial Injuries Scheme and the unique complexities and challenges of transfer to the Scottish Government. The paper explains why it would not be possible to quickly deliver a new and modernised benefit and outlines the options and next steps as we work toward meaningful reform and delivery in the long-term. Views are sought on the approach to delivery and proposed next steps.

Formal consultation on the design and implementation of a fully reformed and modernised Employment Injury Assistance will be undertaken in due course, including consideration around a potential replacement for the UK Government's Industrial Injuries Advisory Council (IIAC). When decisions have been taken about immediate next steps, a stakeholder advisory group will be established to guide future work.

What comments are requested and by when?

If you wish to respond electronically, please use the Scottish Government's consultation hub, Citizen Space.

To request a version of the paper in Braille, please e-mail All responses should be submitted to us by 25 June 2024. Whilst usually a consultation will run for 12 weeks to allow stakeholders as much time as possible to respond, due to the narrow focus of the discussion and the need to decide next steps quickly, this timeline is shorter. Substantive policy development on the establishment of Employment Injury Assistance, including through formal consultation, will follow in due course.

An Easy Read version of this paper can be accessed here.

If you are unable to respond using our consultation hub, please complete the Respondent Information Form (Annex X) and send to:

Employment Injury Assistance Consultation

Disability Benefits Policy Team

Social Security Policy

Victoria Quay Edinburgh EH6 6QQ



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