
NHS Board Projected Staff In Post Changes In 2013/14

All NHS Boards have been asked to develop Local Delivery Plans (LDPs) and workforce plans, as well as using workforce workload tools. As part of this process, NHS Boards have been asked to provide workforce projections for 2013/14. These projections are based on staff in post whole time equivalents (WTE).

1. Introduction

All NHS Boards have been asked to develop Local Delivery Plans (LDPs) and workforce plans, as well as using workforce workload tools, in order to assess if service redesign or changes in skill mix are required to best meet the needs of their population.

As part of this process, NHS Boards have been asked to provide workforce projections for 2013/14. These projections are based on staff in post Whole Time Equivalents (WTE). The following tables show the potential effect of the processes described above on each NHS Board's workforce over the financial year. These figures are estimates and are subject to change.

In addition, projections for Nursing and Midwifery Interns have been provided by NHS Education for Scotland (NES). These projections are included in the overall projected change for 2013/14 in NHS Scotland. As with all projections, these figures are estimates and are subject to change.


Email: Mark Fraser

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