
NHS Fife: getting it right for our most vulnerable patients

Report on improvements by Fife's Victoria Hospital of facilities and care for frail patients, following the Cochrane Review of geriatric care.

NHS Fife: Getting it Right for Our Most Vulnerable Patients

According to The Cochrane Review, receiving a Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment increases the chances of frail older patients still being alive and in their own home 12 months after an emergency hospital admission. The review evaluated more than 10,000 patients in six countries [1] and its findings make a compelling case for service change.

It was one of the factors that influenced the team at The Victoria Hospital in Fife to undertake frailty improvements. Numbers of frail patients were high, particularly frail older patients, and the hospital recognised that traditional models of care did not meet these patients’ needs effectively. The hospital used the 6 Essential Actions for Improving Unscheduled Care, Capacity and Patient Flow Realignment model to support its frailty improvement work.


Email: Jessica Milne,

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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