
NHS Fife: getting it right for our most vulnerable patients

Report on improvements by Fife's Victoria Hospital of facilities and care for frail patients, following the Cochrane Review of geriatric care.

Getting it Right for Vulnerable Patients

Nurse Consultant for Older People, Joy Reid added:

“We knew that identifying frailty earlier in the process and ensuring that frail older people had access to Comprehensive Geriatric Assessments would provide better outcomes and help us to improve patient flow. Getting patients to be seen by the right person in the right place at the right time meant creating the right conditions for this to happen. Without this, GPs would default to sending patients into the hospital, where it is likely that they would be admitted. There was significant buy-in from senior managers for frailty improvement work; we believed that getting it right for our most vulnerable patients meant we would get it right for everyone.”


Email: Jessica Milne,

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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