NHS gender identity services: strategic action framework 2022-2024

A strategic action framework for the improvement of NHS gender identity services from 2022 until 2024.

Data, research and evaluation

We recognise the need to have in place robust data on both waiting times to access services and wider health inequalities experienced by trans people. Access to nationally collated, robust datasets will help achieve our aim to bring gender identity services within national waiting times standards. A commitment to do so was set out by the Scottish Government/Scottish Green Party Shared Policy Programme. Therefore, we will:

14. Commission Public Health Scotland to establish robust national waiting times data collection, monitoring and reporting for gender identity services

15. Commission a trans healthcare specific report, as part of the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, NHS Lothian and Public Health Scotland national LGBT Health Needs Assessment

16. Commit to have funded service improvements or pilots established via the direction of the Reference Group independently evaluated

17. Work with the Chief Scientist's Office to develop research proposals, and make funding available, for additional research on long term health outcomes for those accessing gender identity healthcare

In addition to nationally collated data on waiting times, a trans specific report from a recent national LGBT Health Needs Assessment will ensure that the Reference Group start their work with current, Scottish-specific research on trans people's experiences of accessing healthcare. Research on long term health outcomes will help to address a gap identified by clinicians and LGBTI stakeholders on what best care for trans people looks like over time.


Email: ceu@gov.scot

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