
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Oversight Board minutes: 19 December 2019

Minutes from the meeting of the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Oversight Board held on 19 December 2019.

Attendees and apologies


  • Fiona McQueen, Chief Nursing Officer, CNOD, Scottish Government
  • Dr Keith Morris, HAI/AMR Professional Medical Advisor, CNOD, Scottish Government
  • Laura Imrie, Lead Consultant for Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI), Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Prevention and Control, HPS
  • Sandra Aitkenhead, CNOD, Scottish Government (secondee)
  • Craig White, Divisional Clinical Lead,  Healthcare Quality and Improvement Directorate
  • Lesley Shepherd, Professional Advisor, CNOD, Scottish Government
  • Irene Barkby, Executive Director of Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health Professionals & HAI Exec Lead, NHS Lanarkshire
  • Dr Andrew Murray, Medical Director, NHS Forth Valley
  • Greig Chalmers , CNOD, Scottish Government
  • Phil Raines, CNOD, Scottish Government
  • Calum Henderson (secretariat), CNOD, Scottish Government

In attendance

  • Dorothy McErlean, APF Chair
  • Employee Director, NHS GGC
  • Audrey Thompson, ACF Chair
  • Lead Pharmacist Prescribing Services, NHS GGC
  • Mags Mcguire, Executive Nurse Director, NHS GGC
  • Jonathon Best, Chief Operating Officer, NHS GGC
  • Angela O’Neill , Deputy Nurse Director, NHS GGC


  • Hazel Borland - Executive Director of Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals & Healthcare Associated Infection Executive Lead, NHS Ayrshire and Arran

Items and actions

1. Welcome, introductions and apologies

Chair welcomed attendees to the fourth meeting of the Oversight Board for NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde and noted apologies (see Annex A).

2. Minutes

The minutes of the Oversight Board on 13 December were accepted.

3. Matters arising

CW highlighted that the Sub Group on 18 December signed off that a lead clinician will write families to provide the assurance around prescribing. This would then allow families to have a tailored response to suit the needs of their individual children. The Board discussed the need for clinical flexibility around prescribing and that such discussions should be documented and communicated to families. The Board to review the current process in place around the documentation and governance around prescribing.

PR will continue to examine the need for information governance working closely with Marion Bain and HIS to understand the necessary requirement. CW highlighted that the Communications and Engagement Sub group will undertake a review of guidance used by NHS GGC and this includes guidance on confidentiality. 


  • NHS GGC to review the process of reviewing the governance around the current prescribing mechanism
  • PR to return to next meeting with findings on information governance.

4. Terms of Reference, Governance and Membership

  • Redrafted ToR for discussion

NHS GGC Board Chair has provided comments on the terms of reference, it was agreed that the Oversight Board should agree the ToR once these comments are considered and any changes made.

DM asked that under purpose and role of group, the first bullet point is changed to ‘seek assurance that appropriate governance is in place to increase public confidence’.


  • PR to revise Terms of Reference

5. Update from the Chair

The Chair highlighted the NHS GGC Board summary paper, as presented to the Board meeting on 17 December. The Board is now undertaking legal action against Brookfield Multiplex over issues arising from the construction of the QEUH campus. 

The Scottish Government will work with external experts to provide support to the Oversight Board. Discussions are continuing with a view to securing an expert paediatrician and an expert microbiologist in supporting the work of the Oversight Board.

NHS GGC highlighted there is currently a ‘technical issues’ group operating within the Health Board, which might match the Oversight Board’s requirements for a ‘technical’ sub-group. The scope for Alan Morrison taking over as Chair of this Group will be actively explord with a view to the work of this group feeding into the Oversight Board.

The Chair updated that there is ongoing work to bring together a programme plan of milestones and objectives across the Oversight Board and the Sub Groups. The Scottish Government to work with SA to produce a draft programme of work – as well as a set of ‘success/outcome’ indicators for the Board and a risk register – for discussion at an Oversight Board Meeting early in 2020. 


  • The Chair will update the oversight Board on 9 January regarding the ongoing commissioning of work from external experts.
  • Alan Morrison to discuss with NHS GGC about the creation of the Technical Sub Group.
  • PR and SA to provide an update on the programme plan, success indicators and risk register at a meeting of the Oversight Board early in 2020.

6. Progress and next steps on key issues

a. Infection prevention and control

b. Governance

c. Communications and engagement, with a focus on family members

The Chair of IPCG highlighted the meeting had taken place and that the Terms of Reference had undergone some further changes. He asked that the comments from the Chair of NHS GGC were also reflected. 

CW highlighted that there was an unknown number of families who did not receive the letter from the Cabinet Secretary regarding the Public Inquiry and CW regarding the experience survey. The Board will undertake to review the database to ensure their information is accurate. CW has also posted on the facebook group to try and understand the numbers of families who did not receive the correspondence. The Board will look at new measures with regards to future issuing of correspondence. 


  • Scottish Government secretariat to consider NHS GGC Board Chairs comments on the ICGP ToR.
  • NHS GGC to review database of the families to ensure that correspondence issued will reach all the families going forward.

7. Timeline and next steps

The Chair updated the progress of Professor Marion Bain’s work, both on scoping the case/data review but also in putting in place any further necessary improvements in ICP in NHS GGC. The Scottish Government will take forward work with relevant clinicians on how to scope and set up the case review and how this will be communicated with families. 

IB highlighted that the Nursing and Midwifery Council had produced a lessons learned slide pack from Morecambe Bay.


  • Scottish Government to update on progress on the case review at the next Oversight Board.
  • IB to share the Nursing and Midwifery Council learnings from Morecambe Bay.

8. AOB

The Oversight Board will next meet on 9 January 2020. The Chair highlighted that there will a programme on timescales with regards to meetings of the Oversight Board and the Sub Groups.


  • The Scottish Government to provide dates for the Oversight Board and Sub Groups for 2020.
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