NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Oversight Board minutes: 23 January 2020
- Published
- 9 March 2020
- Topic
- Health and social care
- Date of meeting
- 23 January 2020
- Date of next meeting
- 6 February 2020
- Location
- Atlantic Quay 5, Glasgow
Minutes from the meeting of the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Oversight Board held on 23 January 2020.
Attendees and apologies
- Fiona McQueen, Chief Nursing Officer, CNOD, Scottish Government
- Diane Murray, Deputy Chief Nursing Officer, Scottish Government
- Marion Bain, Director of Infection Prevention and Control, NHS GGC
- Laura Imrie, Lead Consultant for Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI), Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Prevention and Control, HPS
- Sandra Aitkenhead, CNOD, Scottish Government (secondee)
- Craig White, Divisional Clinical Lead, Healthcare Quality and Improvement Directorate
- Lesley Shepherd, Professional Advisor, CNOD, Scottish Government
- Alan Morrison, DFCGV, Scottish Government
- Phil Raines, CNOD, Scottish Government
- Calum Henderson (secretariat), CNOD, Scottish Government
In attendance
- Tom Steele, Director of Estates and Facilities, NHS GGC
- Dorothy McErlean, APF Chair, Employee Director, NHS GGC
- Mags Mcguire, Executive Nurse Director, NHS GGC
- Angela O’Neill, Deputy Nurse Director, NHS GGC
- Keith Morris, HAI/AMR Professional Medical Advisor, CNOD, Scottish Government
- John Cuddihy, Family Representative
- Jonathon Best, Chief Operating Officer, NHS GGC
- Audrey Thompson, ACF Chair, Lead Pharmacist Prescribing Services, NHS GGC
- Andrew Murray, Medical Director, NHS Forth Valley
- Hazel Borland, Executive Director of Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals & Healthcare Associated Infection Executive Lead, NHS Ayrshire and Arran
- Greig Chalmers, CNOD, Scottish Government
Items and actions
1. Welcome, introductions and apologies
Chair welcomed attendees to the fifth meeting of the Oversight Board for NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde and noted apologies (see Annex A).
The Chair welcomed Diane Murray to the meeting as Interim Chair of the IPCG Sub Group following the decision of Irene Barkby to stand down as Chair. The Chair and Oversight Board noted their thanks to Irene for her contribution.
2. Minute from Previous Meeting
The minute of the previous meeting was accepted.
3. Update from the Chair
The Chair updated the Sub Group that the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport will be delivering a parliamentary statement on the afternoon of the 28 January.
4. Progress and next steps on key issues
a. Infection prevention and control and Governance
b. Communications and engagement
c. Technical Issues Sub Group
The IPCG met on the 16 January. NHS GGC had provided an example of a recent outbreak and allowed the IPCG to further examine the measures with regards to infection prevention and control. A work plan has been drafted and will go to the Sub Group on 30 January which will focus on breaking down the relevant areas of governance. The Chair of the IPCG highlighted a peer review conducted by members of the Sub Group will take place. This will further scrutinise the processes used previously by the Board with regards to infection prevention and control.
The Communications and Engagement Sub Group will meet on the 29 January. The Board has invited additional members in Angela Wallace and Jane Duncan from external Health Boards to give additional expertise in communications and person centred engagement. Jen Rodgers of the Schiehallion Unit has also joined at the request of the family representatives. The website with updated content is now live and continuing to be developed following feedback from families. The Sub Group will also consider a workplan based on the deliverables in the Terms of Reference. The Communications and Engagement Sub Group will examine the database list used by NHS GGC to consider the relevant communications methods that could be used to communicate with families with regards to the case review. The Sub Group will consider the person centred approach required and will feedback at the next Oversight Board.
The Technical Issues Sub Group will meet following the Oversight Board. The first meeting shall clear the Term of Reference. The Sub Group will meet monthly and will provide written reports to the Oversight Board. NHS GGC will provide fortnightly updates on progress on work required.
- The Communications and Engagement Sub Group to consider the methodology of communicating the Case Review with families and feedback at the next Oversight Board.
5. Update on Case Review
Marion Bain and the Chief Medical Officer met with clinicians who were comfortable with the process and asked questions that will feed into the process. Mike Stevens will also meet with clinicians in early February to further discuss the process.
The practical process is still continuing to be worked out. Pat O’Connor to lead on data extraction and the Scottish Government continue to review the staffing requirement of the Case Review.
The Oversight Board acknowledged the Case Review will focus on learning for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde around infection control and links to the environmental impact on infections. These learnings from the work of the Case Review will feed into wider improvement across NHS Scotland.
The Chair has asked that Communications to staff and Families be added as a standing item on the agenda.
The group discussed the need for the trigger tool to be made understandable for the public, a paper will return to the Oversight Board clearly laying out the process of the review.
The Case Review team will consider how to manage patient confidentiality with regards to reporting and information sharing.
- A paper to return on the process of the case review methodology at the next meeting.
6. Success Indicators
Phil Raines spoke to the paper. The Board wanted to further establish what evidence could be provided to support success. The Chair of the Technical Issues Sub Group was tasked to consider the outcomes of the Technical Issues Sub Group. Phil Raines was tasked to consider how the Oversight Board could be assured that actions were complete and also what was the role of the Oversight Board with regards to national learning.
- The Chair of the Technical Issues Sub Group to consider what the outcomes of the Sub Group should be.
- Phil Raines to consider how the Oversight Board can be assured that actions are complete and also what is the role of the Oversight Board with regards to national learning.
7. Developing a Programme Plan
The Oversight Board commissioned Sandra Aitkenhead to work with the Sub group chairs and Marion Bain (for the Case Review) to pull together a programme plan for consideration for the next meeting of the OB.
- Sandra Aiktenhead to return to next Oversight Board with draft Programme Plan.
8.Date of Next Meeting
The Oversight Board will next meet on 6 February 2020.
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