NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Oversight Board minutes: 6 February 2020
- Published
- 9 March 2020
- Topic
- Health and social care
- Date of meeting
- 6 March 2020
- Date of next meeting
- 19 February 2020
- Location
- Atlantic Quay 5, Glasgow
Minutes from the meeting of the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Oversight Board held on 6 February 2020.
Attendees and apologies
- Fiona McQueen, Chief Nursing Officer, CNOD, Scottish Government
- Diane Murray, Deputy Chief Nursing Officer, Scottish Government
- Marion Bain , Director of Infection Prevention and Control, NHS GGC
- Laura Imrie, Lead Consultant for Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI), Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Prevention and Control, HPS
- Hazel Borland, Executive Director of Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals & Healthcare Associated Infection Executive Lead, NHS Ayrshire and Arran
- Andrew Murray, Medical Director, NHS Forth Valley
- Craig White, Divisional Clinical Lead, Healthcare Quality and Improvement Directorate
- Keith Morris, HAI/AMR Professional Medical Advisor, CNOD, Scottish Government
- Lesley Shepherd, Professional Advisor, CNOD, Scottish Government
- Greig Chalmers, CNOD, Scottish Government
- Phil Raines , CNOD, Scottish Government
- Jim Dryden, CNOD, Scottish Government
- Calum Henderson (secretariat), CNOD, Scottish Government
In attendance
- Jane Grant , Chief Executive, NHS GGC
- Audrey Thompson, ACF Chair, Lead Pharmacist Prescribing Services, NHS GGC
- Dorothy McErlean, APF Chair
- Employee Director, NHS GGC
- Mags Mcguire, Executive Nurse Director, NHS GGC
- Angela O’Neill , Deputy Nurse Director, NHS GGC
- John Cuddihy – Family Representative
- Jonathon Best – Chief Operating Officer, NHS GGC
- Tom Steele, Director of Estates and Facilities, NHS GGC
- Sandra Aitkenhead, Scottish Government (secondee)
- Alan Morrison, DHFCV, Scottish Government
Items and actions
1. Welcome, introductions and apologies
Chair welcomed attendees to the fifth meeting of the Oversight Board for NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde and noted apologies (see Annex A).
2. Minute from Previous Meeting
The minute of the previous meeting was accepted.
The Minutes will be published on the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde website by the end of w/c 10 February.
3. Update from the Chair
The Chief Executive of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde highlighted the significant workload being experienced by colleagues within the Board. The Oversight Board acknowledged the need for commissions for meetings to be clear and concise. The Chair agreed this should be the case but also reminded the Oversight Board about the importance of pace to the work.
4. Progress and next steps on key issues
a. Infection prevention and control and Governance
b.Communications and engagement
c. Technical Issues Sub Group
The IPCG met on the 30 January. It agreed to pull together a terms of reference for the peer review commissioned by the CNO. This will further scrutinise the processes used previously by the Board with regards to infection prevention and control. The Review will be conducted by Lisa Ritchie of HPS, Christina Coloumbe of NHS Lanarkshire, Francis Lafferty of NHS Ayrshire and Arran, and Martin Connors of NHS Dumfries and Galloway. The next meeting will focus on risk management and audit with a particular attention to How have environmental/facilities risks associated with the QEUH and the RHC been linked to infection and control risks within the Board’s risk and audit governance structure of NHS GGC.
The Communications and Engagement Sub Group met on the 4 February. The group talked through the Cryptococcus incident in 2018. The group asked specific questions about how the Board should communicate the HIIAT escalation process with the public and what further expertise can be brought in to discuss incidents with families. The Group at the next meeting will take this forward further and go underneath what communications is giving to families as well as examine the Boards use of Duty of Candour. The Group also agreed that letter will go to families who have experienced a bereavement asking whether or not they would wish to receive further communications around the Public Inquiry. The Chair highlighted the positive dialogue this created and the opportunity to examine the learning identified.
The Technical Sub Group met on 23 January. The terms of reference were agreed and will provide regular progress reports to the Oversight Board. The Board commissioned the Technical Sub Group to undertake a review alongside colleagues in HFS and HPS around the use of filters. This will return to the Oversight Board for recommendations that will be made to the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde which will have external validation.
- The Technical Sub Group to consider the review of filters and provide a report to the Oversight Board
- The Scottish Government to produce a single action tracker to bring together outstanding actions from the Oversight Board and the Sub Groups
5. Update from Marion Bain
Marion Bain spoke through her paper highlighting the various channels of work that is ongoing. This will become a standing item to update on the works progress.
6. Update on Case Review
The numbers are currently being confirmed for the Case Review. This is being brought together with the patients master list that was commissioned by the Communications and Engagement Sub Group. The Board noted the significant progress that has been made with regards to the identification of the team will conduct the review. The 3 external panel members have been identified and the case review is expected to report by late spring. A workshop will be held bringing all those involved in the review together to create a single plan that will cover methodology, framework and communications with the families.
The Oversight Board noted the importance of the plan to provide clarity on language and utilising the trigger tool to answer the following questions:
- What was the impact of the child’s outcomes as a result of the infection
- What was the environmental impact with regards to infection prevention and control
- What is the learning that can be used NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and across the wider NHS in Scotland
- The plan will be shared with Oversight Board bringing together all aspects of the case review; methodology, framework and communications with the families.
7. Programme Plan
The programme plan will be shared in advance of the next Oversight Board for ratification of the plan at the next meeting.
The Government is considering what the outcomes of the Oversight Board process will be and how this links into the programme plan. The success indicators will be shared once they have been updated with regards to the programme plan.
- The Programme plan to be shared in advance of the next Oversight Board
- Success Indicators to be shared once they have been updated.
8. Date of Next Meeting
The Oversight Board will next meet on 19 February 2020.
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