NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde: getting it right one ward at a time

A Daily Dynamic Discharge case study focusing on Glasgow's flagship Queen Elizabeth University Hospital.

Electronic Whiteboards

Electronic whiteboards are used to log all of the information concerning individual patients and the status of their care plan or treatment plan. Any team member who is authorised to log in can access up-to-date information, which includes Estimated Discharge Dates ( EDDs), risks, social work or Allied Health Professional referral, and the stage of that referral.

Photograph of the Ward 8c team

Ward 8c - Senior Charge Nurse Claire Russell, Person TBC, Nathan Smith Junior House Officer, Garry McDowell Deputy Charge Nurse, Sangeeta Chand Ward Clerk, Karyn Morrow HCSW, Claire Russell Senior Charge Nurse, Rory Gibson Junior House Officer and Person TBC.


Email: Jessica Milne

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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