
Royal Hospital for Children and Young People and Department of Clinical Neurosciences: response to the review of water, ventilation, drainage and plumbing systems

NHS Lothian's response to actions identified in NHS National Services Scotland's review of water, ventilation, drainage and plumbing systems in the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People and Department of Neurosciences, Edinburgh.


Following the decision to delay moving to the new Royal Hospital for Children and Young People & Department of Clinical Neurosciences in July 2019, NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) were commissioned by Scottish Government to undertake a series of checks to ensure that the relevant technical specifications and guidance applicable to the new hospital had been followed and were being implemented.

Health Facilities Scotland (HFS) and Health Protection Scotland (HPS) have provided their report to Scottish Government on whether the relevant technical specifications and guidance applicable to the RHCYP & DCN are being followed and implemented. The report provides an assessment of actions required where relevant technical specifications and guidance have not been met.

NHS Lothian engaged with NSS throughout the review and addressing follow-up actions. Updates on each action identified in the NSS Review are provided in this response.



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