
Coronavirus (COVID-19): NHS Louisa Jordan Governance Board minutes: 2 April 2020

Minutes from the first meeting of the NHS Louisa Jordan Governance Board meeting on 2 April 2020.

Attendees and apologies

  • Fiona McQueen, Chief Nursing Officer, Scottish Government
  • Jill Young, Chief Executive, NHS Louisa Jordan
  • Jason Leitch, National Clinical Director, Scottish Government
  • Alan Morrison, Deputy Director Health Infrastructure, Scottish Government
  • Sean Neill, Deputy Director of Health Workforce, Scottish Government
  • John Connaghan, Chief Performance Officer, NHS Scotland, Scottish Government
  • Caroline Lamb, Director of Digital and Service Reform, Scottish Government
  • Colin Sinclair, Chief Executive NSS
  • Ian Wallace, Medical Director, NHS Louisa Jordan 
  • Ann Gow, Nursing Director, NHS Louisa Jordan 
  • Gordon James, Construction and Mobilisation, NHS Louisa Jordan 
  • Christine McLaughlin, Finance Director, NHS Louisa Jordan
  • Sandie Scott, Comms Lead, NHS Louisa Jordan
  • Michael Kellet, Scottish Government 
  • James Boyce, Scottish Government
  • Calum Henderson, Scottish Government

Items and actions


The Chair welcomed everyone the first meeting of the NHS Louisa Jordan Oversight Board. The attendees are noted above.

Terms of reference

The Oversight Board considered the first draft of the terms of reference. The Government to make the following amendments agreed by the Oversight Board:

  • the membership in the terms of reference to be updated to include representation of the Trade Unions. Sean Neill has agreed to take forward identification of Board Member
  • under Terms of Reference – ‘scope’ a line to be added with regards to liaison with other Health Boards with a particular emphasis to those on the west of Scotland

There would be further consideration to the role of the Oversight Board within the overall governance of the NHS Louisa Jordan.

Project update

Jill Young updated on the overall progress of the NHS Louisa Jordan. There is now the appointment of a number of members of the senior team for the facility. This will bring a significant structure for managing risk within the NHS Louisa Jordan. 

Ann Gow and Caroline Lamb to discuss the requirements for ventilators and ideally, ensure that ventilators provided are those for which staff who will work in the NHS Louisa Jordan will be familiar. Ann Gow and Caroline Lamb to discuss and make an immediate decision on e-Rostering. John Connaghan will oversee allocation of ventilation and highlighted that this will parallel the needs of each Board. 

Gordon James noted the significant progress made with regards to the construction and mobilisation of the site. The Board noted the significant collaboration from across partners to deliver in the timescales. It was also noted the levels of good will show by the private sector and the NHS Louisa Jordan comms lead to consider how this is recorded.  

Ian Wallace and Ann Gow updated on the clinical model. It was noted that the facility would not treat paediatric patients. It would only treat low dependency patients in response to COVID-19, there would be certain exemptions for those to be treated including those who required ventilators at home. This model is currently being reviewed for both a clinical and medical risk within senior clinicians of NHS Scotland Health Boards. It was agreed the Oversight Board will sign off the final clinical model.

Jill Young highlighted the requirement for the NHS Louisa Jordan to have a Chief Operating Officer alongside any further requirements from medical staff within the facility. Oversight Group members to consider options for a Chief Operating Officer and senior clinicians that could be brought in to support the NHS Louisa Jordan and to feed back to Jill Young.

The Oversight Board noted the Senior Team of NHS Louisa Jordan should consider the need for an operational risk register including the various risk identified at the meeting including the oversight of staffing and monitoring of revenue costs.

Financial considerations

Alan Morrison informed the Oversight Board of the estimated costs for the facility. Jill Young has received the letter from the Director General Health and Social Care/ Chief Executive of NHS Scotland to confirm the delegated authority as the Chief Executive of NHS Louisa Jordan. There is also ongoing consideration with regards to the reusing of the equipment of the facility.  Christine McLaughlin to circulate finance paper to members of the Oversight Group for their information in advance of the next meeting.

The Oversight Board noted that staff of the facility will remain employed within their home boards or through NES if they have returned back to the service. Sean Neill asked that NHS Louis Jordan consider what the offering of staff should be i.e. compensation. 

Jason Leitch to work with Christine McLaughlin to be sighted on the financial costings for NHS England with regards to the temporary facilities being developed e.g. Excel, London. 

Communications strategy

Sandie Scott updated the Oversight Board on the progress in communications including the launching of the twitter page for the NHS Louisa Jordan. There is consideration for the legacy communications piece for the project as well as the operational communications required for staff and patients once required. 

Jason Leitch asked that communications colleagues at NHS Louisa Jordan ensure consistent approach with any media briefing for both ministerial and senior clinicians to use publically. 


The Oversight Board noted the significant progress made by the all those involved in the construction of the NHS Louisa Jordan. 

The next meeting will be Thursday 9 April 2020. 

Actions points

  • the m embership in the terms of reference to be updated to include representation of the Trade Unions – Sean Neill to take forward identification of Board Member
  • under terms of reference – ‘scope’ a line to be added with regards to liaison with other Health Boards with a particular emphasis to those on the West of Scotland
  • Ann Gow and Caroline Lamb to discuss the requirements for ventilators and ideally, ensure that ventilators provided are those for which staff who will work in the NHS Louisa Jordan will be familiar
  • Ann Gow and Caroline Lamb to discuss the requirements for ventilators and ideally, ensure that ventilators provided are those for which staff who will work in the NHS Louisa Jordan will be familiar.

  • Ann Gow and Caroline Lamb to discuss and make an immediate decision on e-Rostering
  • James Boyce to consider whether Scottish Government analytical staff could provide support around understanding of patient flow through NHS Louisa Jordan
  • Senior Team of NHS Louisa Jordan to consider the need for an operational risk register including the various risk identified at the meeting including the oversight of staffing and monitoring of revenue costs
  • Oversight Group members to consider options for a Chief Operating Officer and senior clinicians that could be brought in to support the NHS Louisa Jordan and to feed back to Jill Young
  • Jason Leitch to work with Christine McLaughlin to be sighted on the financial costings  for NHS England with regards to the temporary facilities being developed e.g. Excel, London
  • Christine McLaughlin to circulate finance paper to members of the Oversight Group for their information
  • communications colleagues at NHS Louisa Jordan to ensure consistent approach with any media briefing for both ministerial and senior clinicians to publically use
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